How doth thy Garden fare?

August already. Where has the summer flown? I like to think we can stretch it out. That being so, we have another month of summer. Wait, September is always (usually) so nice, isn't it? Make that another two months of summer. Well, think about it, October isn't bad at all, we can still experience some fairly nice days in there, if you like it on the cool side, yet not too cool - and who doesn't? So make that three more months of um, summer?
And how has your garden fared this summer? At times I worried that with all the rain we were experiencing many things would either drown or their roots rot, and goodbye garden. That didn't happen, obviously, but it hasn't been a particularly good year for begonias, I found, they're just not as gloriously lush as they usually are. And then, because it's been so warm, so hot! let's face it, I thought about all those flower types that don't flourish in hot weather, but come to think of it, they managed, and the garden doesn't look too bad at all. You be the judge.
Organized chaos, that's our gardens, and that is exactly the way I like them. Lots of form, plenty of colour, nothing neat. I'm not that kind of gardener. I like to pack in as many plants as I can, no lazy, unproductive bits of garden space for me. I don't, alas, adhere to the conventional garden wisdom of three plants of like species in a space, then another three, and another three. I plunk disparate plants in wherever the spirit takes me, the garden asks me to and I obey. I am the garden's willing slave, and it rewards me most handsomely.
In another entry I will give you an idea of the kind of work my husband surrendered to at the impulse and command of the garden, in creating an infrastructure which happily contains our gardens. I will focus on the hardscape, and in yet another I will highlight our garden gallery of art, all of which conspire to capture and enrapture us.
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