It's so Cold! It's too White...!

The voice, when it responded was bereft of its usual bounce and sparkle.
What's wrong?
I can hear there's something bothering you, what's the matter?
Nothing's the matter, Bubbie.
Did you have a good day at school? Was everything all right there?
Yes. It was a good day.
Then what's the matter, why do you sound like that?
Oh, I hate winter!
You hate winter? You're a little Canadian girl, you live in a cold climate, you should be used to winter. How can you hate winter? You're always outside playing in the snow!
It's so cold! It's too white!
It is, but that's what winter is supposed to be like. Did you wear your gloves today?
Yes, it's not that, it's just that it's too...cold.
Well, since when did that matter to you? Are you repeating something someone else said?
Listen kiddie, it's only old people like me and Zayde who are supposed to complain about the cold, not little girls and boys, who love winter and the snow it brings.
Well, I guess that's wrong!
Well, guess what?
Your Zayde and I are going away, to Florida, to get away from this cold, this too-white snow.
You're not!
Oh yes we are, why shouldn't we?
You're not going, you like the winter here.
What makes you think so?
You always say!
You're right, we're not going away, we like it here.
I knew you wouldn't, you wouldn't like Florida, anyway.
Well, we thought it was kind of interesting when we were there.
You were there? When!!?
Oh, before you were born, long before you were born. We just happened to be living close by there at that time.
Guess what we liked about it there?
The trees that grow there, they're really different than the ones we have here. And there were lizards that crawled up the tree trunks, that was neat.
Eww! Bubbie!
What's wrong with lizards, they're nice little creatures?
Eww, you're kidding!
Not at all, just imagine that they're like miniature crocodiles, alligators.
They're not!
Sure they are. And guess what else we saw, little white birds on stilt-like legs who ran about trying to catch those lizards.
Ugh! I guess you're not going back.
No, we're not, we've seen enough of that place, and guess what? we really like living here in all of our seasons, winter included.
Sure, Bubbie.
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