Saturday, February 11, 2006

What Was I Thinking?

Emerson, Fortier, they're just Crown Princes of Chutzpah. They answer to one who practices the pinnacle of nerve, their boss, and sigh, ours for the present. Well, not our boss, our servant, right? He serves the country...? I mean after all isn't that what we elect our prime ministers and our members of parliament to do? Serve Canada? I suppose one could say that in serving the country they also service themselves, but that's another story. No, it's part of this story.

The King of Chutzpah, after all, is none other than - wait for it! ta-dum! Yep, you guessed right. Stephen J. Harper! Crown him, quick, before he can get away. Here's a club, do a good job of it. Oh, he'll only agree to being struck by a sceptre. Wielded by the hand of her Royal Majesty? In the process of proclaiming him a Knight of the Realm? Damn! why didn't I think of that?

Back to page 1: Not only did Mr. Harper, oh, pardon - Prime Minister Harper proclaim loudly, with great conviction and for all to hear and savour, that the Senate, that venerable institution which has served so many troughers so well, should be, will be unalterably changed under his brilliant rule, but he has gone to great steps to illustrate just how sincere he is about this. No more appointments, a particularly sleazy thing to do, and well polished by the previous administration. This is part and parcel of the democratic deficit, after all. No, the Senate will be changed to reflect its high calling, and Senators will henceforth be elected.

And dang, those traitorous turncoats who had the unmitigated gall to slither across the floor of the House from the Party of Dedication and Truth to the Party of Unalloyed Sleaze shall henceforth be snubbed, right royally at that. Because the Alliance-Conservatives are righteously angry at such shenanigans and they just aren't going to take it any more.

And as the new prime minister of this great country, Mr. Harper avowed his intention to ensure that the country will stay together and play together and be one huge entity entitled to respect from the rest of the world (ROTW). Quebec is deserving of a greater role within Canada, and assymetrical federation which was severely critiqued under Martin's initiative will continue to roll out handsomely.

So, well within week one of this reign, what do we have? Um, yes, a quickie appointment to the Senate. All the better to serve you, dear Canada, for thus do we bring that great city of Montreal into the flash-point of happening, right? Oh, and day one following the election, what did we do? why canvass a potential turncoat, and welcome him into the party, into the Cabinet (see, Vancouver, you're not forgotten either). All the better to serve you, dear Canada.

Did I forget Mr. O'Connor who served the military-industrial complex so handily? Well, he's welcome too, all the better to serve you, dear Canada. Yep, Mr. Flaherty will also be given free rein to slash spending, aided and abetted by Mr. Clement, both of whom love to pick away at our universal health services (Toronto, welcome!). In love of and service to country, that's you, Canada, you deserve no less.

Oh, while we're at it, here's another doozy: Stephen, dear lad, you've outdone yourself. A unilingual anglophone Albertan for parliamentary secretary for La Francophonie and Official Languages? Oh goodie, Quebec will love that one, they'll fall over themselves in appreciation.
What's next, Mr. Prime Minister? We're waiting with bated breath.

Say, exactly when was it that you developed two left feet? That'll look cute with that crown you've earned.

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