Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Who? What!?!

Oh Wow! No kidding?

Prince Turki al-Faisal, in an obvious attempt to endear himself, as the newly-appointed Saudi Arabian ambassador to Washington (that's in the United States; Washington, District of Columbia, you know them, of course you do) has scolded the U.S. administration for not allocating greater funds and military resources toward capturing Osama bin Laden, and putting al-Qaeda out of commission.

Four years after the attacks of September 11, 2001 (oh come on, you remember that series of events, sure you do, think about it, you've got it stored somewhere up there in your memory attic) "Mr." bin Laden and his sterling associates are still unsettling the world at large, and evidently, the world of Prince Turki al-Faisal in particular.

What the hell have you guys been doing? You call yourselves the strongest, wealthiest, most influential, most globally-responsive country in the world, and you're still sitting on your hands? Come on! Everyone is watching, there are expectations and you're not living up to them...

This from the country that gave birth to Mr. bin Laden and his esteemed family, not to mention most of the actors involved in the 9/11 attacks on New York, Washington, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania? Well, by default, remember? It wasn't only the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, but also the Prez targetted. Just that some of the airline passengers didn't feel like being highjacked missiles, and thought they'd upset those plans a little. Hey, now you remember!

Well, I'm trying to recall when the last time was I read that the House of Saud and their many billionaire princes handed out any of the proceeds of their oil-cash-flow to causes of any kind. I do read where they go about spending lavishly on personal pursuits. I do read where they place bids on delectable corporate holdings, like the most lavish of hotel chains in the world. But support of charitable causes? Hmm, memory fails.

Oops! Sauda Arabia may be willing to contribute troops to an enriched thrust in the pursuit of Mr. bin Laden. Well, well and well! Ain't that something? As I understand it, the United States in its pursuit of Islamic terrorists has put a new spin on breaking the bank. They now have an accumulated federal debt approaching $9 Trillion (U.S. one presumes). That's the equivalent of $30,000 for each American man, woman and child.

Hey Saudis, hey Prince al-Faisal, how about expressing some willingness to throw in a few billion (U.S. of course) to help out your old friends? All those American men, women and children feel just a trifle burdened with the weight of this undertaking that you feel isn't sufficiently dedicated to your point of view.

Feel threatened by your Wahabbist fall-out? After all, it's your country, your rulers who engineered this very pious return to the original Islam, this quite militant and righteous Islam determined not to be sullied by the rest of the world, determined to "convince" the rest of the world, by the sword if necessary, and necessarily by the sword to embrace the wisdom of accepting the One True God and His Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him; but upon no one else, apparently).

Do us the honour.

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