What Well-Behaved Girls!

They're physically unalike, but in all other ways reflect one another to perfection. Dainty, quiet, lady-like little girls. Oh yes, indeed.
While we adults were outside, doing things of monumental importance in the rain, the girls were, for the most part, in the house. I say for the most part, because from time to time they would erupt outside dresssed for sun and warmth in the chill rain, cavort about, blithely ignoring our recommendations for rain gear, then suddenly, as one, dash madly for the house again. And in the house the stereo was turned full on. Popular girl sounds, popping and bopping all over and around the great room.
When, finally we three adults made our way back indoors, the work of setting up the new gas mower with the wider cutting blades, the mulch-factor, the how-to explained, and the demonstration satisfactorily performed, it was to a warmly inviting house, somewhat dimly lighted as a result of the heavy overcast, but still redolent of their lunch, not that long out of the oven.
The girls were rummaging through Angie's clothing cupboard, hauling out singularly flamboyant pieces to try on and flaunt, inventing bold new personalities for themselves, hobbling about on borrowed platform shoes and drunk on laughter of a pitch to challenge the whining female voices burbling out of the stereo. "Turn it down" had a double function, obvious to us, less so to the malefactors, whom giggling overtook to delirium.
These children are so well mannered, so attuned to the niceties of polite society and the dictums of approved behaviour. They perch atop the kitchen island to slurp down chocolate milk and devour chocolate chip cookies. They sprawl on Angie's mother's bed, the upheavel awakening tiny Karmen whose attempts to extricate himself and execute a self-rescue from their clutches fails miserably, poor tyke.
They wrench our hearts and souls with unmitigated love and admiration for their youthful urbanity as they quip one another to relentless exhilaration, shrieking with helpless laughter at their own perceived cleverness.
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