Sunday, June 25, 2006

Miami Arrest: Home-Grown Terrorist Cell?

Kind of hard to believe. Not hard to believe that there could be such an occurrence, but these poor louts? A glance at the photographs of those poor disaffected social misfits and anyone with an ounce of common sense would think otherwise. Not simply because they're obviously members of a sidelined minority within a minority, but other indicators as well, laid out (difficult to conceal, in fact) in the newspaper narrative.

Every society produces its embittered, underprivileged, forgotten youth whose response to that society is rabid anti-social behaviour. This group looks like a bevy of disillusioned kids sharing between them what must surely be the equivalent of a sub-normal brain. Clearly nature did not favour them, nor did happenstance.

These are society's disadvantaged and alienated kids grown up to become alienated and vengeful quasi-adults, but in fact they haven't matured very much from that time when they were old enough to share their personal tales of misery incarnate between one another, each mirroring the other, seeking and finding solace in the aggregate.

This is a disaffected, grudge-ridden group looking for a cause. Some uplifting charge of excitement in the barrenness of their socially unchallenged world view. And along comes, ta-Dum! Insults to Islam! Heaven sent, to be sure. Suddenly the sterility of their unproductive and forever-unpromising lives disappears and they find Purpose.

They too can dream, can they not? Of notoriety, of making the world stand up and take notice. And cheers! from the sources that count. Of the condemnation from the other sources, what difference, since that only echoes the stories of their lives up until now. Nothing like a sense of adventure to bring excitement to impoverished intelligence.

It's a boys' club. And like all boys' clubs there are certain appurtenances that must be obtained. Like, for example, boots, uniforms, machine-guns, radios, vehicles, binoculars, bullet-proof vests, and oh yes, $50,000 U.S. in cash. Without these embellishments nothing, needless to say, could conceivably be accomplished One must be dressed for the part, have all of the bells and whistles to proclaim legitimacy.

Think of all the disgruntled 13- and 14-year-old boys who promise to "get even" to make the world stand up and take notice. Often, lack of imagination will compel these little degenerates to contemplate suicide to get even, to "show them". And when several get together, to try to outdo one another in outrage at their lives, the times of their lives, the lives of their times, their eager attempts to outdo one another in potential escapades of deadly violence that go no further than their mouth to another's ear get lost in the reality of life.

Not this time. This time the U.S. authorities were on the case. Looking for just such Bad Boys. Secret clubhouses no longer keep secrets intact. Secret clubhouses on the Internet don't tend to be quite as secret as a little boarded up shack in the back woods, and the FBI is on the job, people! An operative posing as an al-Qaeda agent, oh the thrill of it!

Our little group of jihadists must have thought they'd died and gone to - where is it that they have all those virgins awaiting? This is big time, man! We made contact. So they asked Big Brother Jihadists International to supply all those important things that wannabe jihadists must have to succeed in this tough world: the uniforms, the gun-toys, the fast cars, the cash.

What a sting, what an operation, what success in the war against terror!

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