Thursday, June 01, 2006

Oh, the Pain of It!

The "it" in question being the grooming process. That is, if you're a dog, and if you're a member of this family. To those two little creatures it has been a day of mixed mercies.

It didn't start out too badly, for the previous two days' simmering heat has been replaced with cooler weather, the heat wave they suffered through washed down thoroughly by a series of thunderstorms. Which meant that the walk through the ravine was pleasantly cool, albeit muddy. On the other hand, the mosquitoes have taken heart and re-grouped, and they were out in skin-piercing force.

Still, that's on the relative plus side. This day has been a memorable one for Button, beginning as it did with an examination by Herr Doktor Rosenfeld who realized that the ever-blooming cyst over her right eyelid had returned. A decision was made to operate. Long-suffering Button submitted, not without qualms, yet bravely. In quick succession followed a tooth-brushing, a tolerable-enough routine under most circumstances, but following on the unpleasantness of the operation, she found the procedure to be, shall we say? excessive.

Riley tolerated his tooth-brushing, mostly because the Doktor pinned him down right handily and he was unable to as much as squirm. Even then, he has been warned that a scraping will be next to come his way. Think he was chastened? Nothing of the kind! But he knows who the Alpha male is in this house and it isn't him, although from time to time he behaves as though it is.

So much so good. They no doubt felt they had suffered sufficiently for one day. However, the household Dominatrix felt otherwise, and as soon as her doughty partner in little-dog torment concluded the weekly operation of grass-mowing, a like fate was in store for the two cowering little canines. Out came the barbering kit, the brush, the um, well, all the other stuff.

All were settled in the shade of the big old pine tree, a cloth laid down and a general settling-down and setting-to ensued. Button first, she's always first. Up-ended between my outspread legs the torture began. First snip-snip around the face, into the ears, then the front paws (down dog! no hissing, no biting, keep that tongue where it belongs!), extending down the legs. Finally she could be permitted to stand, and the process continued; under tail, around backside and haunches, back and sides, and voila!

Riley's turn! Wee Riley had waited patiently while Button was being groomed, watching for the appearance of stray dogs on his street, ready to challenge and banish should need be. Now he too was up-ended, and the procedure of face, ears, paws, legs, underbelly (watch out for the private! - privates no longer there), back, top-knot and ears. Where Button struggled and protested the indignity, Riley, albeit fearful, relaxes to the point of fitful slumber, completely submitting to the inevitable.

But look here, we're finished! They've been transformed from shaggy little monsters to elegant little beasties. Aren't we proud!

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