The Comfort, Function and Beauty of Our Garden

What could be more rewarding, more comforting than to lose oneself in one's very own Garden of Eden?
There one contemplates nature's bounty as closely as desired, finding new surprises day after day, observing the speed with which organisms develop and grow. The fragrance of the garden, the colours of the flowers, the height to which some of our plants aspire, the manner in which they respond to weather conditions. The way they never fail to delight us. Every walk in the garden is a new delight, there are always new discoveries.
And, just incidentally, there is always something needing to be done. Sometimes simply because plants outgrow themselves, because flowers require encouragement to continue blooming, because weather conditions are occasionally inimical to susceptible plants. And let's not forget others of nature's creatures that somehow seem to conspire to spoil our enjoyment, while focusing on their own needs; insects that prosper by wreaking havoc on plants and flowers.
There are the apples and plums which fall prematurely, well before maturation and they must be collected and composted. And we hope that there will be sufficient left on the trees to mature and give us fall bounty. There are suckers to be cut back on tomato plants, and many of the herbs require de-flowering to ensure that they continue to produce for us. Oregano, chives, sweet basil, parsley and garlic chives, along with thyme, thyme, thyme. All of which do their delicious utmost to enhance the food we eat.
Then there is the sublime pleasure of sitting in the garden, contemplating the actions of butterflies, birds and beetles zipping in and around the plants, looking for treats or water from the birdbath. One can read at leisure in those surroundings, listening to the birdsong, or simply become engrossed by the continually-changing scene of peace and security in a world sadly lacking both for far too many people.
Whose recalled gardens reside in their memories.
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