Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Muslim Resistance To Jihad

There is Muslim resistance to Jihad. It ranges from the moderate Muslim who wishes nothing more than to be able to live at ease and with peace among fellow Muslims, among others who do not share his/her religion. And so states, publicly in various forums, not the least of which is the occasional letter to the editor of local newspapers. These people identify themselves despite fears of possible ostracism. This is as it should be, it is as the Koran would have the followers of Islam do. This is the true face of Islam. Not the vicious, world-hating face of militant Islam we've become all too accustomed to seeing, hearing from, worrying endlessly about.

There is entirely too much suspicion among people who share common geographic space, but whose religions, ethinic origins, cultures and histories differ. We fear what we do not understand, and we react, often very badly. It is the all-too-human predeliction to look at others unlike ourselves, our specific group, with wary suspicion. It is, after all, the way early man existed on a-then hostile planet, and the emotional underpinnings leading to successful survival have entered deeply into our mass genetic code.

On the other hand, we are all imbued with the potential to reason things out in a rational manner, to come to sane and acceptable conclusions. We may not always agree with one another and it's a certainty that we will not, for we share, even as individuals, let alone members of tribal groups, different values and lifestyles, some of which are offensive to others. Despite which, it is in all of us to learn to become tolerant. We don't, really, have to approve of what others do as long as these customs do not offer harm to us. We learn to accept differences, and live together in harmony in a civil community.

Members of all religious faiths, and those who practise no religious faith. Believers and unbelievers. Those to whom religion is an integral part of their being, their culture, their history, can learn to understand that those who steadfastly spurn religion of any type for themselves, can also be moral, ethical and trustworthy. One need not hold religious belief to suscribe to those very important human instincts and civil traits that can elevate us and create of us all decent populations of caring citizens.

In this same vein people who practise religion of one kind or another, or a religion-free way of life can all recognize among us those who belong to a criminal class, those who would do harm to others and to society at large; a contingent of socially destabilizing sociopaths for whom empathy for others is not part of their character, but instead a desire to destroy, lives and property, is.

The International Lebanese group World Council of the Cedars Revolution issued a press release following the deaths at Qana. They stated:
"The World Council of the Cedars Revolution, after having observed the security developments in the last 48 hours and the horrific deaths caused by warfare between Hezbollah and Israel on Lebanese territories, and in the area of Qana in particular; and after having reviewed the causes of the civilian casualties, including children and women who were located in a shelter, the council declares the following:
  1. Its total dismay at the sight of innocent civilians who were killed during an exchange of long range fire between Hezbollah and Israeli forces. These civilians were put in a defenseless posture between the two warring parties, against all laws of war, and were killed and maimed as a result of irresponsible acts of war. Their deaths and the injuries caused by the shelling calls for an immediate investigation by the international community as to the causes of the fight and the particular military acts that led to the massacre. The Council calls on the United Nations to dispatch a team to the region to investigate this and other incidents where civilians are caught in the firefight, and establish the reasons for their victimization.
  2. The Council, in view of the history of this conflict, which started by an irresponsible war launched by Hezbollah, without authorization by the Lebanese government, and triggered harsh Israeli responses causing damages to the people and infrastructure of Lebanon, blames Hezbollah, its leadership and the Syrian and Iranian regimes for dragging Lebanon into the horrors of a suicidal war. The WCCR accuses Hezbollah and its regional allies of intentionally forcing the civil society of Lebanon, and in particular the communities under the control of Hezbollah's militias, to become a shield for Hezbollah's military operations. By doing so, Hezbollah is breaching international law and must respond to international responsibility. Any military force, which is in control of the security of a civilian population in geographical areas, is responsible for their security. By maintaining that control over south Lebanon and the Bekaa valley, Hezbollah, even as a terrorist organization is responsible for the safety and security of all civilians it has under its control. Hence, the WCCR, representing the aspirations of millions of Lebanese inside the country and in its Diaspora, urges the United Nations to take immediate action by dispatching international troops to protect the civilian population of Lebanon from the effects of the ongoing war on Lebanese territories."

The above quote represents just two of five parts of the press release. On MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series - No. 1227 there is an item of great interest written by Dr. Muhammad Al-Huni, a Libyan intellectual and author who lives in Italy (and who is close to Sayf Al-Islam, the son of Libyan leader Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi). What follows is an excerpt of an excerpt from a series of articles which Dr. Al-Huni wrote for the website:
"After the liberation of southern Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah could have gone down in history as one of the Arab leaders who fought against the occupation of their homeland. This could have been the case if he had settled for driving out the occupation... But Hizbullah is fighting in southern Lebanon in the name of the Lebanese, and with their blood, in order to expropriate [from them] the symbolic capital of the heroic struggle for the liberation [of their country] and in order to put them in the service of Iran's and Syria's regime of oppression. These events, which came after [Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon], exposed this fact, and Hizbullah's latest action is the greatest proof of this...
"Nasrallah became intoxicated from the victory he achieved in those fine days, and thought that he was not just the commander of a militia, but rather the leader of an important nation...
"Nasrallah and his militia have a flag that is not Lebanon's flag, a national anthem that is not Lebanon's anthem, goals and interests that are not the goals and interests of Lebanon, [and] stores of weapons that are not put into use for the sake of Lebanon, and their alliances are only with the enemies of Lebanon...
"So what now, Mr. Nasrallah? You kidnapped two Israeli soldiers in order to free some prisoners [held by Israel]. Have you asked yourself what the price of this adventure will be? Did you ask the Lebanese their opinion, as they see tourism completely collapse and leave behind it crowds of unemployed and a horrifying number of bankrupt businesses? Did you ask the government in which you are a member, and which you belittle, how it can show its face in international circles after your attack?...Did you ask the Lebanese taxpayers if they agree to see the money that they paid over the years evaporate within minutes in an attack on Lebanese infrastructure? Finally, did you ask the prisoners if they want to get out of prison at such a high price in blood?..."
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan all reacted in suprised revulsion and condemned Hezbollah and Sheik Nasrallah, although none of these countries harbour any great love of Israel. Despite which, they long ago recognized the utility of living in peace with their neighbour, that in doing so not only would the region benefit, but the constant toll of war could be left behind like a bad memory.

Closer to home, I am personally saddened by news that a bravely outspoken critic and foe of fundamentalist-minded Muslims, Tarek Fatah of the Muslim Canadian Congress has decided to step down as the vocal voice of dissent against militancy within Islam. He has stated that he is discouraged by the fact that his life is now in danger, as is that of his family. Under those circumstances, he takes the wise course and distances himself from further public discourse. His voice of reason will be missed.

To all those Muslim moderates who wish to live in peace and harmony with all their neighbours, be heartened, as I am increasingly by news, however sparse it seems at times, that voices continue to be raised in support of moderation everywhere.

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