Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Belinda Who?

That's one peculiar name: Belinda. Why would anyone name a baby girl Belinda anyway? Isn't Linda good enough? or even Belle? I suppose because it's different it was seen as being a fair guarantor of notice. People do like to be noticed. And do you suppose having been saddled or gifted with such an unusual name which people would surely take notice of, some mysterious force had its effect on producing a young woman with a predilection for being noticed?

Let's face it, when anyone is born with a silver spoon positioned firmly in place there is certain to be a modicum of notice. Wealth does that; it attracts peoples' notice. And when we're talking about spectacular wealth, it generates a spectacular amount of notice. People generally, the chattering masses in any event, are fascinated with wealth, power and notoriety. So, what happens when you have all three of those ingredients? Yah, you're noticed.

You can be a perfectly nice person, but the thing is, weighted down (or elevated, if you prefer) with wealth, power and notoriety there's really nowhere you can hide. They're coming for you and that's that. In the case of Belinda Stronach there is an inordinate amount of curiosity, always has been, but of late even more. She obviously hasn't deliberatedly engineered the situations that have brought her to the public eye, but she hasn't exactly drawn back from their potential in her choices, unless she is unable to think through from actions to reactions and the ultimate fall-out of unfortunate choices.

So what is one to think? Apart from the ennui induced by these constant, breathless stories appearing in the newspapers. These "leaks" about private business which should surely remain within the realms of private business. Oh yes, almost forgot: a politician is partly private entity, partly public property. Politicians do, after all, serve the public. The public elects them when they run for public office and the public most certainly has a stake in that elected politician's performance.

Is that a stake in the performance of the public persona of the politician? We must make those distinctions, must we not? And that's where things get really complicated with Belinda Stronach, given the fact that she formed a romantic alliance with a political cohort, and everything seemed to fall neatly into place. It was so, let's see: perfect.

Then the cream curdled and the cat spurned it.

In politics one's inner life becomes a barometer of values and morals. When it is revealed that a politician has behaved in a rather less than circumspect manner, in a manner which is deemed to be offensive in its spurning of values and mores answers are often demanded. It isn't a very nice thing to be involved in the dissolution of a marriage, particularly when you're the one involved in creating the break.

It's a conundrum, to be sure. A beautiful, wealthy, spirited, public-minded young woman who feels she has a right to live her life as events overtake her. She can make informed choices, yes, but sometimes events do have a habit of overtaking one's better instincts. Does this bode ill for her faculties in reaching appropriate judgement calls in the political sphere?

I'm sure she's still a very nice person.

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