Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Obesity Studies

Sad - fat people are really being given something to think about lately - aside from food, that is. A new study reveals that overweight men's PSI tests reveal high degrees of inaccuracy, so they're not as assured as non-overweight men of receiving good data in good time with respect to prostate cancer. In fact, by the time obese men receive their diagnosis of prostate cancer it's already progressed to a dangerous level.

How about another new finding that being overweight leads to a deterioration of one's mental faculties? I find that questionable, as a matter of fact. It's like a chicken-and-egg conundrum. Isn't it even remotely possible that people who aren't all that sharp to begin with have a proclivity to surrender to their appetites too readily and thus become overweight?

But no, here's a study by French researchers appearing in Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology which finds that middle-aged adults scoring high in the body mass index, scored lower on cognitive tests than their non-fat peers. All that fat clogging up the neurons? Let's face it, if you're storing excess fat in all parts of your body, you'll store them up there in the think-chamber, too.

In fact, another study brought to light the fact that overweight children - a growing problem in North America and elsewhere - are in for serious medical-health problems sooner than later. Not only are they being set up for future and too-early heart problems, but scientific researchers have identified obese children with fatty livers, a medical phenomenon hitherto seen only in the livers of dedicated boozers.

The thing of it is, when people succumb to the lure of unhealthy lifestyles which include the consumption of too-salty, too-high-fat comestibles, and partner that unfortunate tendency with a slatternly view of exercise even in moderate doses, you've got a recipe for bodily disaster. Don't forget, we live in a society which holds youth and youthful looks in high esteem.

These people hold themselves in such low esteem that they don't seem to care all that much that they're endangering their lives in the distant (but not too distant) future; hobbling their ability to maintain elastic and healthily muscled limbs, sound hearts and lungs, because it's just too much trouble to take the time and the initiative to introduce a healthier lifestyle into their modus operandi.

What could possibly be more personal than the manner in which you choose to live? For some people there is no choice, the lifestyle or lack of it, just kind of creeps up on them and before they know it (and often they don't) they've embraced wholly a way of life whose impact on them will be severely deleterious with respect to the enjoyment of their life and the unexpected truncation of same.

Everyone likes to think they're special in some ways, and most people like to offer a presentable view of themselves in public. Become obese and you're thought of as handicapped, as indeed you are. Obese people aren't able to react in the same natural physical manner as people who don't carry all that extra poundage. Doing the ordinary things of life become awkward, from travel to hygiene, to comfortable sitting and sleeping, to safely bathing themselves.

It's costly too, considering that morbidly obese, obese and overweight people suffer more illnesses and earlier than the general population. It's more expensive to dress themselves - if they can find clothing to fit. Fly somewhere and you'll be paying more to do it. Kindly self regard tends to suffer under these circumstances.

Having said which: why do people inflict these conditions on themselves?

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