Sunday, December 10, 2006

Now That's a Bit of a Stretch

On the other hand, where would the world be if it didn't have its universal, perennial, dependable and most useful scapegoat close to hand whenever things begin to look a tad untidy? In lieu of a mea culpa, an admission, however grudgingly, that the U.S. has dug itself deep into doo-doo of its own making - a nod at that little old explain-all "shit happens", one can always turn the crooked finger of blame on - who else - Israel! Stands to reason.

After all, according to the Old Testament, G-d created the world and all that is in it - in a record six days, no less. This a Jewish compendium of Jehovah and his exploits, so they're responsible for what happens - anyhow, everywhere, timelessly. The Jewish biblical luminaries, Abraham, Isiah, Jesus (okay we're looking at the New Testament now, but what gave birth to it?) branched out into Christianity, then Islam. Get the picture?

Now you can understand why brainiacs like James Baker, L.H. Hamilton, L.S. Eagleberger, V.E. Jordan, Edwin Meese, Sandra Day O'Connor et al could draw the many conclusions they brought together in their
Iraq Study Group Report. These people represent the best and the brightest that the great United States of America could huddle together to conclude that "you talk to your enemies, not just your friends".

Yes, and you give aid and succour to your enemies and accuse your friends. Just to ensure you've got balance. Solve the seemingly unsolvable and eureka! success follows. If a Justice of the Supreme Court could assist in reaching the conclusion that Israel's long-standing face-off with the Palestinians has resulted in unprecedented turmoil in the Middle East then there's no need to ponder the ill-considered strategem that brought the U.S. into its current conundrum.

It stands to reason that resentment across the Middle East because the State of Israel has situated itself in their midst causes great unease. So great that Iraq attacked Iran and the resulting years of warfare between the Sunni-ruled dictatorship and the Shi'ite-ruled theocracy, both somewhat crazed Islamists, was Israel's fault.

Now the worm has turned, and fanatically theistic Iran hovers over its easy prey, thrilled to its core that the United States is trying to eat its tail in its anxiety to remove itself from full blame that it has unleashed bitterly ancient conflicts to the light of day, and the blood-curdling screams of Allah Akbar! as Shia militias attack not Sunni insurgents and vice versa - but rather both prey on alternate civilians.

It's a safe bet that the victor to whom will go these spoils will be a near neighbour, ready and willing to be offered this handy-dandy opportunity to invade and spread their version of Islam to the great consternation and fear of its Sunni neighbours. Aha! the added bonus being that with the sledgehammer of nuclear weapons who will deny its pre-eminence? Hey, Israel's fault. She, after all, has long owned the formula, the expertise and the commitment to produce, own (though not own-up) and maintain nuclear capability.

Note, while Israel has a long history of nuclear ability, never has she threatened or warned her adversaries that they'll be in a big muddle of trouble if they invade her borders. Yet, she's at fault for ownership of nuclear, it being an encouragement to others in the region. Said others, even before capability, promising to wipe Israel off the map.

Syria's predatory intentions toward Lebanon, its hulking military and political presence in that country, its wholesale swifting away of resources and finances became a reality because of Israel. Israel tried to put a halt to the Palestinian raids against Israel from Lebanon - and their invasion had the effect of breeding Hezbollah, Syria's unofficial jihadist army. Whose fault is that?

Yes, President Anwar Sadat, former general and formulator of a succession of military expeditions against Israel determined in his wisdom that the better part of valour is to recognize one's enemy and forge a peace pact with a force superior to his own and the combined forces of the region for the good
of all concerned. His was the wise course; it was the Muslim Brotherhood that assassinated him - for treason to the Muslim cause.

Sunnis in Egypt and Syria ask of Iraqi refugees whether they are Shia or Muslim. This is a bitter sectarian divide well over a millennium's age in the ripening. Is this too Israel's fault? Is the undying enmity between Sunni and Shia a recognizable result of the on-again, off-again search for peace between Israel and the Palestinians - a result of that latter-day conflict?

Should, miraculously, clearer and calmer heads prevail and a peace accord be eventually reached between Israel and the Palestine Authority will that translate into peace in the region? Will that guarantee that a country like Iraq will no longer wish to invade its neighbour, nor Syria it's?

Will Shia and Sunni Muslims finally put aside their mutual enmity, hate and bloodlust against one another? Truly, miraculous powers of healing must emanate from the State of Israel. Might they be the Chosen People?

Can we all take a deep, clean breath of air?

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