Only In Britain?
Seems odd that in a non-Muslim country already blessed with a sufficiency of mosques, another is being planned, this designed as the largest religious structure in Britain, capable of accommodating 70,000 worshippers and costing $700-million, to be located in London. This complex structure will be known as the Markaz mosque. It has the backing of the Islamic separatist movement known as Tabligh-i-Jamaat (Call of the Community). Tabligh is a missionary Sunni sect which came under suspicion after 9/11; its interpretation of Islam is not considered to be mainstream, but is in the tradition of the Saudi-financed Wahabist movement.Tabligh followers are indoctrinated with practices hostile to other religions and to non-Muslim societies and governments, coming out of a sect of Islam which produced the Taliban and al-Qaeda. New recruits from Europe or North Africa are forwarded to Pakistan for indoctrination; the aim being to unify and segregate "pure" Muslims from all others. The controversial mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, is a supporter of the mosque's concept which, in its funding, along with other, private sources, will use taxes collected from non-Muslims to service the Islamic community.
Why care? Well, evidently even moderate British Muslims are concerned at the prospect of this monstrosity becoming reality, claiming it will have the effect of driving a larger wedge beween the Muslim community and their non-Muslim counterparts, and that they have no wish to foster yet other fanatical groups. Yet their protests have been silenced by inter-community threats, and Ken Livingstone has assisted in quieting the protests, having never apparently seen an Islamic enterprise that he would fault, nor one that he would not support.
All the more troubling with recently-revealed realities taking place within currently existing mosques as reported by Channel 4 Dispatches' "Undercover Mosques" which illustrates the manner in which imams in mosques considered to be Britain's most moderate urge their followers to reject British laws for Islamic ones such as Shariah law. The UK Islamic Mission, identified by Prime Minister Tony Blair as "extremely valued by the government for its multi-faith and multicultural activities" is a case in point; at one of their mosques an imam is revealed on film praising the Taliban while another speaker iterates that Muslims cannot accept non-Muslim rule.
"We have to rule ourselves and we have to rule the others", asserted Dr. Ijaz Mian at a meeing held at the mosque.The year-old investigation recorded a Birmingham-located Islamic high school's deputy headmaster informing a conference at the Sparkbrook mosque that democracy is a misnomer; it should be called kuffrocracy, as indicative of the cancerous aim of 'these people'. The school claims now to have let the headmaster go for teaching views incompatible with the policies of the school, just as the leaders of the mosques in question claim not to have been aware of the alarming views being aired by imams lecturing at their mosques.
"We have instructed all our branches not to allow any more speakers with radical or fundamentalist views." Alarmingly, the documentary also records the immense popularity of DVDs and internet broadcasts produced by extremist imams. At the Regent's Park Mosque's Islamic bookstore DVDs of a preacher called Sheikh Yasin are sold; in one of his DVDs Yasin (who is promoted on the mosque's website) claims missionaries from the World Health Organization and Christian groups deliberately place the 'Aids virus' in medicines meant for use in Africa.
It would seem, even by a casual observer, that Britain has more than sufficient on its plate to ensure that its population remains safe from harm proposed to be visited upon them by radical Islamists - attempting to apprehend what is being propagated as the politics of religious hate and strife as things stand. Why yet another mosque is being planned which can be used to indoctrinate even greater number of impressionable young Muslims into the chronicles of ageless resentment against the West is troubling, alarming.
This exemplifies religious and social/cultural tolerance beyond comprehension.

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