Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Finally! More, Please?

Finally impinging on the consciousness of Iranians just how damaging the behaviour of their president Ahmadinejad is to the best interests of the country. No point asking why it's taken this long. But here, once again, there is the news out of Tehran that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may not be enjoying quite the public acclaim and adoration that he obviously believes is his due.

Not only are 'reformists', long opposed to him condemning this lunatic but conservatives also. His proudly incendiary rhetoric is wearing thin at home. It's long ago convinced the rest of the world that that huge country with its wonderful history isn't worth the time of day. And would not, indeed, be given the time of day if it weren't for the very real threat it offers to the world at large, as an administration gone completely insane with the glory of its own apocalyptic vision, rising out of the ashes to rule the world unhindered by any.

"Why are you speaking a language that causes a person to be ashamed?" wrote the reformist daily
Etemad-e-Melli. "You represent the voters of the great Iranian nation. Speak equal to the name and dignity of this nation." Alas, both the name and the dignity of the nation have been irretrievably besmirched by this self-promoting political charlatan. And his mentors the Ayatollahs bear a good deal of the blame.

"Our foreign policy must reflect the ancient Iranian civilization and rich Islamic culture of the Iranian nation. Therefore, delicacy...rich diplomatic language and non-primitive policies must be part of a calculated combination to work" intoned the conservative daily
Resalat. Not a word, unfortunately, of the unseemliness of the leader of a country threatening to annihilate a neighbouring country.

They feel, however, that this man has spent entirely too much time and energy (our time and energy too) castigating the West, neglecting the imperatives as a leader to deal with the country's faltering economy. Yet nowhere is the suggestion made that the vast sums of money required to build reactors and produce enriched uranium could be put to better use shoring up that economy.

We can only hope they hurry things up a bit, ditch this poor excuse for a leader, sort things out for their sake and for that of the rest of the world.


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