Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Savagery of Sacred Hatred

There they go again. Condemning innocents to lives of misery. In the name of Allah. Devout Muslims are taught to believe that the governments of the West are determined to undermine Islamic holy teaching and the precepts of the Koran for no other reason than their hatred for Muslims. How else to effectively convince ordinary Muslims that the West has evil intentions against them than to have their clerics tell them so?

To protect Muslims against the pernicious plans of the West, Islamic militants have persuaded parents of children in tribal regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan that innoculations against poliomyelitis is truly representative of another, vicious plan to reduce Muslim populations. The polio immunization is not that at all, but rather a method whereby their children will become sterilized, infertile, unable to reproduce at adulthood.

Fundamentalist Islamists have succeeded to the extent that parents of 24,000 children have refused to allow health workers to vaccinate their children. Fanatical mullahs encourage this belief to ensure that worried and confused parents will see this as an evil plot to harm their children and by extension their own futures.

This message of indoctrination against medical intervention to save their children from the effects of polio has been announced on local radio stations and from the loudspeakers of area mosques. The World Health Organization has recorded a slow but steady increase in the incidence of polio in Pakistan and foresees a potential spread of the disease, not only locally, but further abroad.

Dr. Abdul Ghani, chief surgeon at the main hospital in the area was killed and three guards wounded by a remote-controlled bomb as he was returning to Khar, after attending a tribal gathering in promotion of vaccination. Those who murdered the doctor made good use of technologically-advanced weaponry to warn off further attempts to innoculate the children.

The medical science of prevention through innoculation has escaped their warped minds as an effective way to ensure whole lives for vulnerable children in the region. They cannot see beyond their irrational suspicion and hatred of anything not Muslim-derived or -inspired.

This is the savagery of Islamist hatred.


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