Thursday, October 11, 2007

Evictions! Arrests!

Good grief, great good heavens, what's this? From Poland comes a dreadful tale of unbelievable wrong. The Sisters of Bethany whose convent is located in the town of Kazimierz Dolny, a southern stone's throw from Warsaw have received eviction notices? Who would dare? This is a well established and highly respected protectorate of the Roman Catholic Church, after all. If any might be called upon to oust these reverend Sisters from their abode it should be none other than the Holy Spirit.

Wait: it would appear that this order of Polish nuns has managed to offend the Vatican. Not possible. How could that possibly be? Helpless women of religious conviction married to the trinity and their holy vision of Christ take steps to earn the wrath of the Holy See? Just not so. Which is to say, kindly say it is not so. Mind, Poland has been troublesome of late to the Pontiff in particular and the Church he heads. Connection there is none.

For it is from Poland that a Catholic priest has been broadcasting his own wretched brand of anti-Semitism. This highly esteemed cleric has many followers, for the country has always seethed with an undercurrent of distrust and hatred for the Jews. It was in Poland that Jews lived in countryside harmony with their neighbours, anticipating at any time spontaneous Pogroms to be visited upon them, under the kindly auspices of the village priest, followed enthusiastically by said neighbours.

It was in Poland that concentration camp-weary survivors, mere skeletal remains of their formerly robust health returned to their home villages. To seek to have restored to them their plundered belongings. To search for and retrieve ownership of their humble abodes whom kindly neighbours had undertaken to salvage on their behalf in their lamentable absence, and who now, on return, claimed ownership.

It was in saintly Catholic Poland where concentration camp survivors trekked back to the only home they knew, and found themselves newly targeted in post-war Pogroms. Some things just never seem to change. They are firmly established in the minds and psyches of those to whom the presence of Jews represent the anathema of a Christ-destroying unworthiness; the people who sacrificed their own.

And it was to the Pope that world Jewish leaders made pilgrimage this past week to implore that he use his holy offices to persuade the verbosely-rabid priest to cease and desist. Particularly in light of the world-wide renaissance of anti-Semitic disturbances now troubling the Jewish community. To which appeal the Good Man of God leaned his attention and spoke soothing words.

Committing himself to nothing, but murmuring words of contented encouragement for the future. From his elevated status representing the sacred word of God, said he: "trust in education".

One wonders did he apply the unguent of education in the instance of the Sisters of Bethany? For the devout Sisters defied his demurrals of their support for their mother superior, Jadwiga Ligocka, who had the unmitigated temerity to claim she had experienced "private inspiration by the Holy Spirit". Taking unto herself, usurping the Pope's own private holy prerogative as the confidant of the Holy Spirit.

This was not to be countenanced. One imagines a lofty lecture for the edification of Mother Superior Jadwiga Ligocka, instructing her on her place in the hierarchy of the Church. Defiant, she must have been, and dreadfully incautious. She was to be summarily replaced. Utterly revolting, that a den of vipers (viperesses) would strike at the station of the Pontiff, the spiritual guardian on earth of God's will.

Thus, evoking God's will, the Vatican called upon temporal guardians of the public/spiritual weal, and one hundred, fifty police forced themselves into the convent, physically evicting sixty-four recalcitrantly spiritual Sisters, arresting two. The police in full riot gear, in high dudgeon on behalf of the Pope; the Sisters duly defiant but helpless before the onslaught.

God's will be done.

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