Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jerusalem, Undivided

Interesting that U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain is in support of Israel's devotion to Jerusalem, her ancient capital, as her current capital. This was Israel's historic capital, her traditional and religious base. Her storied biblical presence. Her peoples' beloved city of Jewish heritage, culture, tradition, religion.

"I support Jerusalem as the capital of Israel", he said.

As did previous presidents-elect, somehow losing their intent along the way, once installed in the Oval Office. Other matters, always pressing, ever urgent, to be seen to. Yet the Jerusalem Embassy Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1995, stating that "Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel".

And in June of 2007 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution that Mr. Bush move the American Embassy from its current position - along with those of most other countries - in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In the process, congratulating Israel "on the 40th anniversary of the reunification of that historic city".

Much to the anger and dismay and outright rejection of the Palestinian Authority who contend that the Old City of Jerusalem, the Muslim Quarter - where, incidentally, stands the Temple Mount - belongs to them, and is the designated capital of an emergent Palestinian state. To which the current U.S.-designed "road map' concurs.

With a proviso that the status of Jerusalem - a Jerusalem divided - take into account the political and religious concerns of both sides, and protects the religious interests of Jews, Christians and Muslims worldwide. Admirable concerns, admirably expressed, and both parties quick to agree.

But the historical record, and the present situation gives pause to consider and come to conclusions detrimental to the Palestinian cause. For the simple fact is, Christians are not particularly cared for by Muslims, certainly not protected, and in fact, are a slowly disappearing species in Palestinian-directed areas.

And the experience has been that when Jerusalem was held in trust by Jordan, Jews were not permitted entry to their most sacred religious sites. The fact is that Arab Palestinians have, time and again, deliberately desecrated Jewish holy sites. The fact has never been hidden that Arab Palestinians claim ownership of the most holy of Jewish sites, denying their significance to Jews.

Moreover, when speaking directly to Palestinians, Mahmoud Abbas and his PA representatives have given reason to believe that they intend to contest the division of Jerusalem, just as Jews do; each believing themselves to be entitled to the entirety of the city as their capital. The PA goes further, giving its population reason to believe it intends eventually to conquer the entire geography on which Israel now sits, and take it for their own.

Mr. McCain claims to be in support of the peace process, and he no doubt is. "I am committed to pursuing the Israel-Palestinian peace process and make it a high priority" he informed reporters, after touring the Roman Citadel site in Amman, Jordan. "I know that the people of Israel and the Palestinian people want to see a peaceful settlement as both sides suffered enormously.

"I think it will be enormously helpful if ... Gaza is not governed by an entity that is committed to the extinction of the State of Israel."

Precisely put.

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