Friday, April 25, 2008

Indomitable Offenders of The Faith

There is Hamas, bravely front and centre, refusing to be corralled by the oppressor of the Palestinian people. Unrecalcitrant, indomitable Hamas, feverishly planning and staging ongoing Israel-blaming assaults, bringing further misery to the people whom they purport to champion.

Willingly, happily, sacrificing the well-being of Palestinian Gazans, knowing the game full well, playing the world's public relations gambits to the hilt. Posing as the protectors and supporters of the long-suffering, self-stabbing Palestinians, while enthusiastically delivering fresh catastrophes upon them.

Yet the Palestinians are devout in their belief in Hamas, as their saviour from the dread harms that the State of Israel is determined to visit upon them. There is no question among Palestinians that Hamas seeks to protect them against the murderously baleful intentions of Israel.

That Hamas deliberately instigates defensive assaults by its determinedly continual attacks on Israeli citizens, by its ongoing attempts to abduct Israeli soldiers for bargaining clout; that it furthermore does these things knowing full well that the State of Israel will respond to protect its own, is handily overlooked.

The Palestinians have been painstakingly taught to believe that they are victims and they believe this, implicitly. It is the malevolence of a non-Arab country resentful of the Arabs surrounding it, that is at fault. Not the tribe-centred idee fixe that Arab and Islamic honour must be upheld by dominating and vanquishing non-Islamic entities in the Middle East that is the cause of their suffering.

They will not see because they have no wish to, that it is the jihadic intransigence of Hamas and its sister terror groups that keep their misery alive.

Hamas insists that Israel deal with its demands, while at the same time insisting that it will never recognize the legitimacy of existence of Israel as a sovereign state in the Middle East. Its long-term goal is the defeat and annihilation of Israel; its short-term goal is to reach the long-term aspiration as speedily as possible.

And if that means agreeing to a hudna, a temporary cease-fire to enable them to re-group and re-arm until they feel confident of launching another series of attacks which they feel will be ever more formidable than the last, they will agree to a cease-fire.

So Hamas's senior leadership in exile informs of its readiness to sign a "peace deal". And at the same time continues to attack Israel, and calls on its thousands of faithful to a protest surge against the economic blockade of Gaza.

Hamas is determined to achieve its goal, not for the well-being of that abstract concept, "the people", but for the furtherance of Islamist sovereignty over all of the Middle East; the existence of a "foreign" state on Islamic soil remains an blasphemous assault on Muslim sensibilities.

Even while terrorist groups wreak havoc at the crossings through which humanitarian aid continues to be delivered to Gazan Palestinians, Israel remains committed to trucking diesel fuel, along with the fundamental necessities of food and medications. And while on the one hand Hamas militias target the very power plants and diesel fuel stations that deliver energy to them, they complain that the sole power plant located in Gaza will be forced by closure without Israeli-supplied diesel fuel.

While Hamas warns of its intent to continue infiltration and strikes against all crossings from Israel into Gaza, they also plead for Israeli assistance. If this strikes one as utterly lunatic, it is only because that is precisely what it is. Delusionally mad. On the one hand, striking the hand that supports them, on the other whining incessantly that humanitarian assistance is denied them.

But then, this appears as a typically Arab mode of confrontation, attacks alternating with pleas for compassion from the very source subject to attack. Their insane rhetoric becomes persuasive beyond conjecture, and they believe, implicitly, in the slanders they invent. A pathology peculiar to the landscape, the traditions, the culture.

The pity of it is that there is a willing audience of believers within the international community as well, eager to swallow the myths of Israeli brutality against poor defenceless Palestinians. Who, if they arose en masse to demand responsibility and accountability from their leaders would benefit from an abrupt turn-about from their current position.

Gazans live in miserable conditions of uncertainty and want of a normal life. Many would willingly leave if they could. Yet, while living under those conditions they remain passionately complicit with Hamas, denying the possibility of peace by initiation of a simple process whereby violence is eschewed.

And even as Hamas blames Israel for every act of sabotage that they themselves perpetrate against their own, the mass psychosis of victimhood settles comfortably over the population and they decry their self-made misery.

PA-affiliated terrorists, in launching yet another series of rocket attacks on Ashkelon, home to the power station which provides energy to Gaza, and where oil and gas pipelines and storage tanks are located further the madness. This ongoing provocation equates with perfidy to the notion of defence of Gazan Palestinians.

It is utterly lunatic, yet it plays well with the Palestinians and the world abroad.

For Hamas has offered a "ceasefire"; it will halt rocket attacks for a six-month period, should the IDF agree to cease targeting Hamas's and other terror groups gunmen. The truth of the matter is startlingly clear; there would simply be no need for Israel to defend itself if there were no continual offences, no militias targeting Jews, no rockets hitting on border communities, no surreptitious attempts to smuggle arms into Gaza, no violations against Israel's right to exist in peace.

Israel responds to violent provocations, to the blood shed of its people by Palestinian terror groups.

What manner of offer is it that promises a 30-day ceasefire and a 10-year truce, yet reserves the "right" to smuggle weapons and manufacture rockets? But the world is watching, and they keenly observe what Israel does, not so much what Hamas inflicts upon Israel.

Despite which officials within Israel commit themselves to trucking humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza, even while their gloried leaders pledge resumptions of attacks on those very crossings where the shipments negotiate passage. Maddeningly, while Hamas pleads for Israeli assistance it hits those very crossings and promises to escalate attacks.

This is a scenario straight out of a drug-addled mind, confusing fantasy and reality, to produce a lunatic amalgam of violent carnage on the one hand, and self-pitying pleading on the other, resulting in ongoing and self-inflicted pain.

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