Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jihad, Clarified

They're still there, haven't gone away anywhere. Lurking in the background, trusting to the tried-and-true, well-established method of ancient vintage to lure the young and the restless, well inculcated in a culture of blame and hatred. Into their exciting world of deadly intrigue and death-dealing. They've become adept in using the very modern technologies of the very modern civilizations whose decadence and religious ineptitude they deride.

Another forum for the disaffected and the Islamist-deranged, as long as you've the correct password. Truly obsessed jihadists have proclaimed it their numero uno Internet (pssst! site for inspired instruction in dealing with the Angel of Death. And the latest message sets things nicely into perspective, lest terror-bewitched adherents seek to stray off-message. The message headed "Clandestine work inside the city".

Explicating delicately the manner in which small-unit cells can be most effectively trained in urban terror. Training first and utmost; action to follow. Included is the arcane game plan of "The preferred rules of the art of kidnapping Americans." A methodology that can most surely be interpreted and handily manipulated toward abductions of all "kufars", apostates, and Jews. Not necessarily in that order.

A leader of a unit is the first requirement. Amazing bit of intelligence, that. An intelligence unit to follow - using the terminology loosely - and a logistics unit, and finally an execution unit. Mind, if the unit is sufficiently meagre, all of those needs can be encompassed within the purview of a hard-core of four dedicated jihadis. Each of the principals sharing the requisite finesse in carrying plans to fruition.

Units to communicate discreetly and indirectly, to leave few traces through what's termed the "dead-letter-box" technique, amply described by witnesses in Canada and Great Britain in past and ongoing trials. Jihadis are warned to forego attacks on religious figures because it redounds nastily on their cause, tch, tch. Elderly civilians, women and children are given the green light, however.

Odd that al-Qaeda hardly follows its own advice, having been known to attack mosques in various places where Muslims themselves remain the majority targets. However, disciples in death are urged to target Jewish investments in Muslim countries; international companies, international economic experts; exports from "Crusader countries" and raw materials "stolen from Muslim countries by the enemies".

That's a fairly extensive listing, giving more than sufficient targets for enterprising jihadis. Yet they're even more precise in elaborating on the human target list, as follows:
  • Jews; Jews from Israel and the United States have priority over Jews from Britain and France;
  • Christians, especially those from Canada, the United States, Britain, Spain, Australia and Italy;
  • Apostates, particularly Muslim leaders who keep close ties with Jewish and "Christian governments" such as Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the leaders of the Gulf States;
  • Secular individuals, including "spies and security officials" who "protect Jews and Christians".
So that pretty well does it, right? Kind of encompasses much of the world, actually. But for Islamists basking in the warm and sheltering light of Sharia, so pleasing of Muhammad and Allah. They and they only do the divine bidding, finding favour as defenders of the Faith; brave warriors heralding the new Islamist-dominated world of tomorrow.

Nice of them to offer due and deadly warning.

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