Friday, October 10, 2008

Unrepentant War-Mongers

This is just too precious to entirely comprehend. The hawk, unhooded, sent aloft to rescue the doves from harm's way.

Thought you'd heard the last of former World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz? Think again. He was, recall, at one time the United States' deputy secretary of defence. And in that post he championed, vehemently, the dire necessity of invading Iraq. This man is highly respected in the elite business and political environments in which he circulates, but he is held in high loathing by most ordinary onlookers.

The 'major architect' of the war on Iraq by the Coalition of the Willing under George W. Bush's direction, to spare the world from a nuclear-armed Saddam Hussein, moved on to other high-ranking positions, thanks to his friends and colleagues. He was appointed by Condoleezza Rice to the International Security and Advisory Board which reports - where else? - to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

And in reporting back to the secretary of state, the board, tasked with drafting a report detailing the manner in which the United States could proceed in improving its relations with China "towards greater transparency and mutual confidence", now states unequivocally that the U.S. is required to beef up its nuclear arsenal to match that of China's.

China, the board indicates pointedly, may have "in excess of 100 nuclear-armed missiles that could strike the United States" by 2015. Whoa, isn't that a revelation geared to raise the hackles and the ire of every red-blooded American; that sneaky Chinese government, planning an attack on the U.S., stockpiling nuclear missiles for that very purpose.

Armageddon as trade war? Just incidentally it is also revealed that the board of which Mr. Wolfowitz is chairman also includes other sterling examples of neutral, high-minded intellectual peace-elites. Such as former U.S. defence secretary James Schlesinger. Best of all, executives from arms manufacturers Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

Beware, said former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 'industrial-military complex'. A restless crew they are, fomenting dissent, suspicion and intrigue, anxious to increase sales of armaments, to create the environment for endless conflict. Somehow linked with the recent U.S. sale of $6.5-billions of advanced arms to Taiwan. China is blisteringly unpleased.

This, despite that U.S. intelligence reports claim no evidence of a Chinese tactical nuclear arsenal. Will wiser heads prevail? Depends, one can assume, who ascends to the White House in the near future. A director at the Federation of American Scientists, itself an anti-nuclear think-tank located in Washington, characterizes the report as a blueprint for a U.S.-China cold war scenario.

The report goes on to describe a reality where "Chinese espionage in the United States is comprehensive and pervasive", ensuring that diplomacy is certain to fail through "educating" the Chinese in shaping policy more in line with that of the U.S. Rather, claims the report, the U.S. must undertake to build a new missile shield and "undertake the development of new weapons."

Doesn't it seem reasonable that this group qualifies for strait-jackets and permanent housing in the first space-available lunatic asylum? It would be to the world's advantage.

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