Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Diseased Among Us

That was the message from the Third Reich. That Jews, inveigling themselves into decent society represented an insidious pathology of secretive manipulation of civilization, to distort and corrupt it, to serve their own invidious purpose. That Jews represented a disgusting scum on the face of the Earth.

That Jews were a race of sub-human, malicious beasts. That Jews, in other guises, were as the noxious insects that prowl the undersides of rocks looking to infest where they may, and infect with the noxious substance of their evil, given the opportunity.

What a descent of monstrous proportions from biblical times when God delivered the Hebrews from slavery in the land of the Pharaohs, loosing fearful pestilence and death upon the Egyptians, to convince them to free their slaves from bondage and permit them to find their way out of the Sinai desert to Palestine, to establish their covenant with God and pledge themselves a beacon of righteousness to the world.

Over the succeeding millennia their struggle for unique definition and survival was unending and fraught with danger; one assault after another to finally catapult them from their cherished homeland into another banishment, until the final Roman assault cleansed the land of their presence, and they wandered abroad, wherever they might be absorbed as a separate, never quite accepted group, set apart and reviled.

Now, in this new era, Jews have been transformed yet again - and just when they had the audacity to feel they were finally to be recognized as like any other - into the Other, the unwanted presence, the scourge of society. Greater society has determined that they now represent a pestilence, one that harbours unending aspirations of world domination. And toward this purpose Jews deliver death.

The libel has been altered from the gentile-child blood-quaffing Jew, to the militaristic lethal-targeting state machine setting its deadly sights on the defenceless child of Palestinian provenance. The avaricious beast let loose on the innocents of the world. The parasitic Jews, cause of world wars, and financial collapses, holding in thrall the most powerful of the most powerful to their errant ways.

And for this, they earn the condition of their merciless persecution. The avenging left, in mercy-support of the suppurating psychic wounds of the Palestinians, vow to avenge the misery wrought in the name of statehood. In brotherhood they march in stout defiance of Jewish might; shouting 'death to the Jews', an old familiar refrain, passed from the fascists to the leftists, to the Islamo-fascists holding communion with the socialist ideal.

Israel is condemned for conducting deliberate 'massacres', for her 'crimes against humanity', for her 'genocidal' intent. Only Israel, mind; racism is frowned upon, and Jews themselves, unless they support Israel, are exempt from condemnation. No anti-Semites here. Israel's condemners use the wording, imagery, and pro-active postures that traditionally described Jewish philanthropy and social activism at the fore of leftist ideologies and concerns.

Turning social action on its dizzying head to portray Jews as the new vanguard of colonialism, military aggression and the atrocious social disadvantaging of the victimized Palestinians.


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