Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ilegal Interrogation Methodology

One expresses one's culture's values by patiently expressing love and forbearance in facing off against another culture's values that are expressed through tribal brutality relishing bloodshed as a method of expressing contempt for the other.

In expressing patience and a belief that reason may prevail, one culture makes itself even more vulnerable to the predations of the other that interprets its forgiving patience as a sign of weakness, encouraging the second culture to the belief that its trajectory of inflicting ever greater wounds on the first will ultimately result in the sought-after victory.

The emotionally tender Western niceties of enlightened intelligence extended toward the emotion-hardened jihadists whose perception of their divine mission to destroy Western culture for the greater glory of Islam does service to the jihadists, encouraging their bloody excesses and their infiltration into Western defences that appear ripe and ready for conquest.

Bullies, whether of the ordinary garden-variety sociopaths, or vengeance-seeking religious psychopaths react to appeasement with greater emphasis on their aspirations.

That it is seen as an indictment of Western sensibilities that CIA operatives acted brutishly in the interrogation procedures of mass murderers is an outright absurdity. Rabid jihadists whose function is to destroy lives and instill terror in populations need not be shielded from sensitively untoward interrogation techniques.

The American Council for Civil Liberties would do far better to concern themselves with the state of affairs within civil society as it applies to civil society. There is nothing civil about a society that breeds, through interpretation of religious texts, mass murderers on the justification of sublime orders to do the will of a superior being.

So-called high-value prisoners accused of planning, mounting and successfully executing mass murder have no expectation of being handled with kid gloves, nor should they have. The extraction of useful information from them that might conceivably prevent other planned attacks are certainly a high priority, on the other hand.

If such information can be extracted by more delicate means to prevent additional atrocities, well and good, but it is highly unlikely.

It seems fairly ludicrous for new interrogation techniques to be mounted emphasizing friendliness, love and compassion, to bridge the defence mechanisms, to attempt to make a connection between interlocutor and prisoner of some kind of emotion that would lead hardened jihadists to abandon their purpose and alert their enemies to forthcoming attacks.

The self-flagellation that is currently taking place in America over self-concerning brutal techniques of information extraction is badly misplaced. And it is also more than a little hypocritical, given the unassailable fact that, while decrying the use of 'torture' on mass murderers, the United States has no hesitation in using drones for the purpose of dispatching jihadists calling themselves Taliban, in Pakistan, in targeted assassinations.

If torture is inexcusable as a methodology for extracting vital self-protective information during a war situation, then how are planned and executed assassinations of determined enemies of the United States seen? Can one technique logically be disowned as unworthy of a civilized culture, and the other condoned as a necessity to gain the upper hand over an enemy?

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