Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Diplomatically Subtle Belittling

Simply amazing, that a government in its wisdom could arrive at the conclusion that it need pay attention to a raving lunatic, to advise the ever-ingratiating Moammar Gadhafi that he is considered by the Government of Canada to be a despicably-brutal enabler of terrorism, a funder of world-destabilizing fanatics, a mercenary arbiter of delusional ambitions whose past and present machinations are viewed with disgust by decent and responsible governments. Representing, actually, a total waste of time.

Yet that same government is capable of exercising true wisdom in its delicate slight to the United Nations, by scheduling Prime Minister Stephen Harper to appear elsewhere on the world stage (the G-20 summit) than at the General Assembly, where other world leaders are in attendance, some of whom have delivered vitriolic speeches deploring the advance of Western technology and economies and social systems. With other world leaders beseeching of the previously-mentioned speakers rational mental-balance aforethought.

With a classic 'why waste our time' attitude, the person tasked to address the General Assembly would be a senior minister, but not the premier minister of the country. Delivering all the same the message that the government sought to convey, that it condemns terrorism "in all its forms", pointing out the obvious, but which appears to be readily overlooked in that international forum - that it is the greater part of the world body's responsibility to eradicate said terrorism for a balanced and well-functioning world.

There are 192 countries belonging to the UN General Assembly. Some of them exceedingly fond of splitting hairs. Applying a vastly different type of nomenclature and descriptive designation when it suits them, in the matter of who and what constitutes terrorists and terrorism. To the West, for the most part, it is abundantly clear that a terrorist is one who seeks to sow terror within a population. And those who engage in terror exercise few humane scruples against delivering death to innocents; the better to deliver their message.

Whereas those politically, religiously and socially sensitive to the 'struggle' of the 'oppressed' or the needfulness of totalitarian rule to impose order, consider groups whom the West term terrorists to be "freedom fighters". Aside from proxy terror groups with their Islamist militias there are those who fund and encourage them. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as it is theocratically administered by fanatical Islamists is itself behaving as a terrorist state. Finally, the world has had to recognize that the country's ambition is to secure for itself nuclear weaponry.

American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has now admitted, "The Iranians have the intention of having nuclear weapons." Another covert nuclear installation for the enrichment of uranium has been revealed to exist. Iran insists it has a need for nuclear installations to produce energy; purely peaceful. "If this were a peaceful nuclear program, why didn't they announce this site when they began to construct it? Why didn't they allow IAEA inspectors in from the very beginning?" Gates has stated. President Barack Obama insists "The Iranian government must now demonstrate through deeds its peaceful intentions, or be held accountable to international standards and international law."

But Iran does not recognize either international standards or international law that constrain its ambitions. It recognizes only the supreme law of Islam, which its Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei insists has authorized it to work toward nuclear attainment. And to which purpose its allies Russia and China have assisted it, with North Korea, Syria and Venezuela on the sidelines cheering. At the present, Iran's Revolutionary Guards are conducting war drills, firing off short-range missiles which have the easy potential of hitting Israel and the U.S. presence in the Middle East.

Iran is adamant there is no power on earth capable of interfering with its aspirations. "Allah willing, this plant (the second nuclear plant whose presence in Qom has just been divulged) will be put into operation soon and will blind the eyes of the enemies", soothingly uttered Hojjatolesla Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani, who heads the office of Iran's Supreme Leader.

So not to worry, for Iran has no enemies. Still, Canada would like to remind the United Nations and its member-states that they have certain vital obligations.

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