Monday, August 15, 2011

Aid To Gaza

Hamas excels at biting the hands - all the hands - that feed its dependents. Torching the summer camps that the UN special-refugee presence in Gaza puts on annually for young Palestinian Gazans (the competition with Hamas Summer Camps that teach young Palestinian Gazans how to deal with their enemies, the hated 'occupiers' is not to be countenanced). Hamas knows what's best for young kids, it's the thrill of being taught to hate and to exact vengeance; not learning how to light campfires and sing light-hearted songs.

What's to be light-hearted about, anyway?

And Hamas doesn't much like it when foreign aid agencies horn in on its compassionate humanitarian work on behalf of poor Gazans. Much like Mogadishu's starving people being denied humanitarian aid in the face of one of Africa's worst droughts and famine by Al-Shabaab kicking aid agencies out of those parts of Somalia controlled by them, because they're so intent on fomenting problems for the people of Somalia, unlike Al-Shabaab, concerned for the welfare of their people.

In Gaza, the International Medical Corps group had strong objections to permitting Hamas, as per demand, to audit their records. Somehow, with the feeling that confidentiality among health providers and client should prevail, they objected to the demands that they acquiesce to Hamas officials wishing to physically scrutinize files and records of NGOs. That demand being resolutely in place, as befits a 'sovereign' nation, Ramallah shut down the organization's Gaza operations.

"We are disappointed that Hamas has once again chosen to put its political agenda ahead of the welfare of the Palestinian people", an official with the International Medical Corps said. "We call on Hamas to cease its interference with internationally funded NGOs, so that we can resume our humanitarian and development activities in Gaza". Humanitarian and development activities in Gaza? Simply shrink the gap between rich and poor, a situation that exists everywhere in the world.

Hamas continues to insist it is its right to verify NGOs' accounts financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Palestinian Territories, however. In response to which the Agency has halted its humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip. "We deeply regret that USAID-funded partner organizations operating in Gaza are forced by Hamas's actions to suspend their assistance works." Hissy fits all around.

USAID, complains the minister of interior of the government of Hamas, refuses to recognize the government in Gaza and its laws. And there's the rub, fellas; respect denied, so get the hell out. One voice of reason: Palestinian economy minister who has learned to respect the side his bread is buttered on, calling on Hamas to "abstain from any action that threatens relations with the NGOs".

All of this could be solved neatly and expeditiously if USAID took the time and trouble to consult with George Galloway. Smilin' George knows how to make things right; he'll swallow his profound distaste for the U.S. government and its entities and smooth things over between its misunderstanding of Hamas' intentions and Hamas' umbrage, and everything will be cool.

He may even invite USAID to join his blockade-busting crusade, and ask them to come along and watch Hamas lob off some of those rockets into Israeli territory....

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