Thursday, December 22, 2011

Arab League To The Rescue

Withdrawal of the military from towns and residential districts, a halt to violence, and the release of detainees.
There we are, Syria's Bashar al-Assad has ratified yet again, the agreement with the Arab League. Now for absolutely certain he will allow, this time around, over a hundred selected observers, members of the Arab League, to enter Syria and observe for themselves the manner in which the Syrian military is facing down a rabble of foreign invaders, whose violence has destroyed the peace of the country.

Meanwhile, government forces are left to fend for themselves on behalf of the decent, entitled citizens of Syria, to keep them safe from the vicious predations of those invading the country from foreign sources. Doing their duty to their country in no uncertain terms. Even in the face of a newly-avowed enemy of the regime, neighbouring Turkey, which has cut off diplomatic and trade relations.

And which has welcomed to its viper's bosom the presence of Syrian army deserters and those who claim to represent Syrian protesters and activists. Of course Turkey is not acting alone in its resolve to undermine the legitimacy of President al-Assad; there is of course, Israel, for the Mossad is directing Turkey to act as it is doing, which is simply outrageous.

France too, has proven a bitter disappointment, in its faux outrage at what it terms "a massacre on an unprecedented scale". And the so-called human rights groups; who after all listens to the false testimony they bring to the situation? Slaughter in the Zawiya mountains, the dispatch of 250 government opponents in two days of defence of the nation? What else to expect when so much is at stake?

Any country has the right under international law to defend itself from armed intruders, after all. The Free Syrian Army is a sham; these are merely shameless defectors from the national military who should be summarily court-martialled, hung and quartered, a disgrace to their units and to their country. Sixty killed while defecting in Idlib province, just proves the point.

As for the absurd fulminations of the United Nations claiming "the international community will take additional steps to pressure the Assad regime to stop its crackdown"; just who do they think they are? Syria, after all, is a Security Council and Human Rights Council insider, and knows intimately how these things go down.

The Arab League monitors, all one hundred and fifty, are on the cusp of taking up their positions. They will validate the regime's claims. Seeing for themselves the presence of "armed terrorist groups". And all will be well.

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