Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Turkey's Islamist Government

"Figures who are candidates for positions that require responsibility, such as the U.S. presidency, should be more knowledgeable about the world and exert more care with their statement.
"Turkey joined NATO while the governor was still two years old. It is a member that has made important contributions to the transatlantic alliance's conflict-full history. It is among countries that are at the front lines in the fight against terrorism." Turkish foreign ministry
A dignified, thoughtful reproach. A measured response, with clear meaning, by a Turkish political representative. Not really an interference in the American political system. Merely responding to an obvious misrepresentation. Who can blame them? Certainly it stings to hear your country described in such a contemptible, off-hand manner.

Clearly, Republican presidential hopeful Texas Governor Rick Perry, doubtless an honourable man, well-acquainted with world affairs and foreign governments, was in error when he characterized Turkey as a country governed by "Islamic terrorists". For who rules the country is a duly elected, very popular and adept political group, led by a seasoned politician.

One who, unfortunately, has neutered his country's military which had up until the Islamist Justice and Development party came to power, ensured that the country was secularly ruled, and that Sharia was not part of the justice system. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has, however, severed diplomatic and military ties with Israel, and approves of the mission of the terrorist group Hamas, to destroy Israel.

By their company shall ye know them, and if he walks like a duck, or in this case, like a terrorist, is he not then, one himself? No, not quite. Turkey has its standards and its values and they simply no longer coincide with those of its former ally, Israel. Turkey discovered more in common with the standards and values of Syria - until it began slaughtering its own people - and Iran, with its proxy militias, Hezbollah and Hamas, terror groups both.

But is Turkey governed by 'Islamic terrorists'? No, not quite, and not yet. And perhaps never. But its friends and colleagues can certainly be characterized as such. With whom Turkey's Islamist government has great sympathy.

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