Ban Lecturing Iran
In Iran meet, UN chief denounces threats to destroy Israel, Holocaust denial
Remarks by Ban Ki-Moon at NAM conference opening day come following Iranian Supreme Leader's harsh attack on suppression of Palestinians by 'ferocious Zionist wolves.'

Ban Ki-Moon, left, meeting with Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012.
Photo by AP
Without naming
Iran, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon denounced his hosts
in Tehran on Thursday for threatening to destroy Israel and for denying
the Holocaust.
"I strongly reject threats by any member state to destroy another or
outrageous attempts to deny historical facts such as the Holocaust," Ban
said in his speech to a Non-Aligned Movement summit in the Iranian
"Claiming that Israel does not have the right to exist or describing it in racist terms is not only wrong but undermines the very principle we all have pledged to uphold," he added.
"Claiming that Israel does not have the right to exist or describing it in racist terms is not only wrong but undermines the very principle we all have pledged to uphold," he added.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly denied the
Holocaust and this month described Israel as a "cancerous tumour". In
2005 he caused uproar by being quoted as saying that Israel should be
"wiped off the map".
Persian language scholars say a more correct translation of his comment would read: "Israel must vanish from the page of time."
Ban was attending the NAM summit despite calls from the United States and Israel that he should boycott the event.
The UN chief's comments came after Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei
launched a venomous attack against Israel in a speech inaugurating the
conference, denouncing what he said was Israel's brutal suppression of
Palestinian rights.
"Even now after 65 years the same kind of crimes marks the treatment of
Palestinians remaining in the occupied territories by the ferocious
Zionist wolves," Khamenei was quoted by the Fars news agency as saying,
adding that Israel commits "new crimes one after the other and create
new crises for the region."
The Supreme Leader added that the "Zionist regime, which has carried
out assassinations and caused conflicts and crimes for decades by waging
disastrous wars, killing people, occupying Arab territories and
organizing state terror in the region and in the world, labels the
Palestinian people as 'terrorists,' the people who have stood up to
fight for their rights."
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Iran, Islamism, Israel, United Nations
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