Hizbullah Threatens to 'Conquer the Galilee'
A new Hizbullah video highlights the terrorist organization's latest campaign - “liberating the Galilee.”
First Publish: 10/1/2012, 10:35 PM
Hizbullah supporters
The video was posted on a Hizbullah site
Monday, the same day that Israeli Arab politicians led a protest
commemorating the deaths of 12 Arabs in 2000, as they rioted and
attempted to spread the intifada to northern Israel. The video shows the
chief “Zionist settlements” - meaning Jewish towns and cities - in northern Israel, such as Afikim, Ma'alot, and Nahariya. The video also mentions “the principal Palestinian cities in northern Palestine,” including Tzefat, Akko, Tiberias, Haifa, and Nazareth.
Last year, Hizbullah head Hassan Nasrallah
threatened that his organization would try to conquer the Galilee.
Nasrallah emerged from hiding for several hours to attend a ceremony in
Beirut, where he warned “[Defense Minister Ehud[ Barak, [former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi] Ashkenazi, and [current IDF Chief of Staff] Benny Gantz, that now you must get used to the idea. If you impose a war on Lebanon, our fighters will conquer the Galilee.”
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