Islam Calling
The Arab and Muslim world cries out in an anguish of despair over the malign effects of the State of Israel on Arab and Islamic affairs. The presence of Jews among a Muslim-majority geography is an assault on tender sensibilities just too dreadful to endure.That Jews live among Muslims, on land consecrated to Islam is an intolerable affront to the Prophet and Allah, and must be rectified. Somehow. At some time in the near future. The combined armies of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan failed in that mission, but Iran and its satellite jihadist militias Hamas and Hezbollah are prepared to take on the sacred duty.
Meanwhile, they must look to their own affairs. Afghanistan and Pakistan have made it their business, along with Somalia, to inure themselves against the baleful effects of Jewish imperialism, although there are no Jews to be seen anywhere in those noble geographies.
In lieu of Jews to punish and make an object lesson of as enemies of Islam, they have seen fit and proper to focus on their own, those insufficiently invested in complete surrender to Islam have been committed to violent death.
Not that Iraq has been without its own solutions to the irritating problems that exist within Islam, with two competing visions and versions of Islam, and the atrocious situations that prevail throughout the geography of majority Sunni populations being exploited by minority Shiite governments and majority Shia governments oppressing minority Sunni populations.
It is all so tedious, but efforts muse be made to right the wrongs of Islam misrepresented.
violent attacks in Iraq; the government there, which under U.S.
auspices, began as a collaborative effort between Sunni and Shia and
Kurd has become a majority Shia government, with the Sunnis
disenfranchised, given their own political medicine, as it were, when
Saddam Hussein oppressed the Shia majority. The latest atrocities
killing 31, wounding over 200 in Baghdad, Kirkirk, Nasariyah and Tuz
Khurmantu. Business as usual.
Syria, through an effort to demonstrate just how barbaric Israelis and
Jews in particular are, a photograph is circulating of a rebel Syrian
taking time off the conflict to barbecue the severed head of a Syrian
government soldier. Which is perfectly all right, because the regime's
military is mostly comprised of Shia Alawites, while the rebels are
mostly Sunni, and very often hard-bitten Islamists whose zeal for jihad
is unparalleled.
The Arab vision of itself as a courageous battle-hardened heritage-blessed society cannot be denied, for they are of Bedouin tribal stock whose affinity for battle in the ongoing conquest-ridden neuroses of those dedicated to spreading the word of Islam as surrender incarnate, and martyrdom central, must be conveyed to the great wide world, to meet their joint obligation of installing another Caliphate to rule the world in the name of Islam.
The vision of the
Arab Spring which surrendered itself to the inevitability of the
Islamist Springboard that brought pure Islam of the Salafist, Wahhabi
strain to the fore is prepared to triumph, both within its Mideast
geography, its outreach in North Africa, and into Andalusia, and from
there the world awaits its liberation from the chains of liberal
democracies in Europe and North America.
The Arab vision of itself as a courageous battle-hardened heritage-blessed society cannot be denied, for they are of Bedouin tribal stock whose affinity for battle in the ongoing conquest-ridden neuroses of those dedicated to spreading the word of Islam as surrender incarnate, and martyrdom central, must be conveyed to the great wide world, to meet their joint obligation of installing another Caliphate to rule the world in the name of Islam.
Labels: Aggression, Conflict, Islam, Israel, Judaism, Middle East, North Africa, Terrorism
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