Thursday, November 16, 2017

No One Said Anything ...

"We were aware of the rumours -- the teachers who made comments about girls' bodies, the teacher suspiciously friendly with female students, the music teacher solicitous of male students."
"In 2012, the truth came out. My school had tolerated sexual molestation for decades. Administrators whose most solemn responsibility was protecting children instead chose to look the other way and protect child abusers."
"The music teacher, a cultish figure ... was the worst abuser during my time. One of his victims later committed suicide."
David Leonhardy, Journalist, The New York Times

"When I was expelled from College Notre-Dame, I went to see [Fr.Olivain Leblanc] and he said, 'There is nothing I can do for you'. Now it is my turn to say to him [priest convicted of pedophilia] that there is nothing I can do for you."
"What he said was, 'It's OK'. It was his way of saying to me, 'Go ahead and say what you have to say'."
"I am satisfied [with the sentence] in the sense that Brother Leblanc has serious health problems."
Victim of sexual abuse by priest who taught at a Montreal high school 

"We seem to be entering dark times -- allegations are being printed as facts, and lives are being put in jeopardy without a hearing, due process, or evidence."
"I hope we can give people the benefit of doubt before we rush to judgement."
Actor Jeremy Piven, denying claims of sexual assault

"Compare the Balazs-Anka case [luxury-hotel magnate Andre Balazs accused by actress Amanda Anka of grabbing her crotch, a la Donald Trump] with that of "Bishop" Wayne Jones, the 57-year-old leader of Toronto's Trinidadian-based United Spiritual Baptist Church. Jones likes to sleep with his congregants, and has even accepted sex in lieu of payment when he performs exorcisms or other religious services. Jones says this whole arrangement was consensual, but numerous women say it wasn't. These ... rapes have been going on for years -- and seem to comprise a far worse scandal than Jian Ghomeshi's run at the CBC. Yet few know about Jones -- because his alleged victims aren't movie or TV stars, but poor, working-class black women with little access to influential journalists."
Jonathan Kay, Journalist, National Post
Source: IcyTales

Sexual abuse, it's rife, and everyone knows about it, deplores it, says nothing about it; it's just the way life is. This is the way life is, for women and for some men in the military, government, business, colleges and universities, police, day cares, hospitals, religious institutions and groups like the Boy Scouts; it is endemic, a long-standing condition of life in the public sphere, and at home in a world while not condoning sexual assault, does a metaphoric shoulder shrug and gets on with life.

Rape, sexual intimidation, pedophilia, assaults that forever change a victim's life trajectory, haunting them, preventing them from finding their futures, are entitlements it seems of a certain breed of mostly men who don't believe they've done anything particularly loathsome, they've just responded as nature intended them to, in certain situations where they were led to be overcome, and then it's done with, get over it. Women, girls, boys leading men on. It's why Islam demands women be demur and modest, hiding themselves in voluminous black cages.

It's why when women fail to cover their alluring bodies, creating such situations that men simply react to, that they are 'asking for it', deserving of rape for leading men on, because the vestigial urge of primitive man cannot be tamed, because this is what nature designed men to do and women to submit to. Even in a decent, civilized country like Canada a judge hearing a sex-assault case can ask a young woman why she didn't keep her knees together, has since repented and wants to be allowed to resume his law practice.

Experts in efforts to understand what motivates men to act out their urges rather than restrain themselves and have some human compassion for those they victimize have reached the conclusion that there is a shared trait among men who rape. They cannot subscribe to the reality that it is they who are the problem in society as conscienceless rapists. Away back in 1976 a-then-doctoral candidate advertised for rapists to contact  him so they could anonymously speak about what they had done.

"I didn't think that anyone would want to respond", Samuel Smithyman, now 72, a clinical psychologist in South Carolina, said. And then his telephone began ringing and there was a total of 200 men calling to discuss with him when, how and why they had committed rape. He ended up with quite a number of recorded interviews, material that formed the bulk of his doctoral thesis. The interviews left him with the impression that those men sounded 'normal', and he was impressed with their diverse backgrounds.

Dr. Smithyman had a clinician's interest in the women posting from across the world to social media with the hashtag #MeToo, that those the women accused of sexual molestation and rape had such varied backgrounds and professions. Yet, according to recent research there are commonalities; that the men began their sexual predation at an early age and that they usually deny they raped anyone, yet described the nonconsensual sex they enjoyed.

"If you don't really understand perpetrators, you're never going to understand sexual violence", advised Sherry Hamby, editor of the journal Psychology of Violence. "No one thinks they are a bad guy", she said.  Studies have a tendency to rely on anonymous surveys of college students and other communities where the genders are held to congregate in an atmosphere of equality and mutual respect; isn't that what higher education leads people toward? Delicately, studies use no judgemental terms such as "rape" and "sexual assault".
Source: Occupy

In asking subjects specifically about their actions, it is revealed that men who rape have a tendency to begin their careers in sexual violence in high school or college. And while some of these men have one or two sexual assaults committed early on, they go no further. Other men continue the violently abusive behaviour and even increase the frequency of their assaults. According to Antonia Abbey, social psychologist at Wayne State University in Michigan, young men who blame their victims are likelier to repeat their abuse.

"I felt I was repaying her for sexually arousing me", was the explanation one young man gave. And surprise, Kevin Swartout, a professor at Georgia State University's research suggests low-frequency offenders are more commonly present on college campuses than assumed. "Risk factors" have been identified that almost anyone could name without prompting: Heavy drinking, a belief in "rape myths": no means yes, all are risk factors among men committing sexual assault. Hostile language within a peer group in describing women is another.

If they score high on measurements of empathy, men aroused by rape porn appear less likely to proceed with sexual assault, according to Dr. Neal Malamuth, psychologist at University of California, Log Angeles. Men who commit sex attacks are seen to have a high degree of narcissism. Asked "if they had penetrated against their consent" men will respond in the affirmative, yet when queried if that represented "something like rape", the response generally is 'no'.

Source: TheOdysseyOnline

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