The Slavering PC Lynch Mob
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David Starkey, author and historian |
"Slavery was not genocide -- otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn Blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived."Move on folks. The words of this intellectual and public figure -- no longer a celebrity in academic circles -- are a reflection of the truth, honestly spoken and honestly come by. Yet an expression of verity that breaks the eggshell of the shibboleth of recent adoption that the tragic suffering of Blacks throughout history is somehow unique to humankind, akin to a genocide, none of which is accurate, and which Dr. Starkey was quick to point out. Slavery has existed since time immemorial and slaves have not only been black, but white and any other colour of the spectrum of humanity.
"As for the idea that slavery is this kind of terrible disease that dare not speak its name, it only dare not speak its name ... because we settled it nearly 200 years ago."
"We don't normally go on about the fact that Roman Catholics once upon a time didn't have the vote and weren't allowed to have their own churches because we had Catholic emancipation."
"And do you know what -- we had Catholic emancipation at pretty much exactly the same time that we got rid of slavery in the 1830s. We don't go on about that because it's part of history, it's a question that's settled."
"And again there is no point in arguing against globalization or Western civilization - they are all products of it. We are all products of it."
"[The British Empire was] generally speaking, in most ways, actually fruitful."
Dr.David Starkey
There have indeed been periods in history when genocidal intent has been carried out in a mass slaughter of an ethnic-cultural-religious group with the intention of total annihilation in conformation with a racist ideology regarding them as vermin to be eradicated from the face of the Earth. During those years of institutionalized and carefully orchestrated violation of humanity, the targets were enslaved, tortured and methodically murdered. Six million in number, representing a significant mass proportion of their presence globally. That is genocide.
At a time in many Western civilizations when signs proliferated in the early- and mid-20th Centuries that "Jews, Blacks and Dogs" were not permitted entry, assaults on the dignity and humanity of people of such specific origins were widespread and supported both by the citizenry and the governments representing them. This kind of degradation of humanity was common and broadly accepted. To the present day, racist discrimination, oppression and deranged violence targets specific groups.
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Black Lives Matter protesters in Hyde Park in June Reuters |
Rectifying the past to better reflect the outrage of the present over established customs and values long since abandoned in favour of more enlightened practises reflecting the public weal as humanity drew closer in the event of mass exoduses from countries where enslavement still persists, where violations of human rights are ongoing, where exploitation of human potential is rampant, where internecine and sectarian and tribal enmities cause explosions of violence and civil war. Refugees and emigrants stream into developed societies to add their dreams to national aspirations.
And living in those present-day situations, opportunistic groups still favour revolutionary hatreds and chaos over secure societal normalcy. Bringing hate groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter together with the Muslim Brotherhood to espouse change in an imperfect society that has offered them freedom and the potential to succeed in normalizing their own lives, to prosper and to meld with a society meant to embrace equality of opportunity and the recognition of how much we have in common.
For speaking his mind based on fact, not the fiction of victimhood and blame, Dr.Starkey is no longer academically associated with Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge and Canterbury Christ Church University; no longer a visiting fellow at University of Buckingham, and Lancaster and Kent Universities have placed his honorary graduate status under review. His publisher cacnelled the release of Dr.Starkey's latest history books.
"He's been saying this stuff for years. It's only because of the work of #BlackLivesMatter that it's being taken more seriously Personally I believe he should lose his CBE (Commander of the British Empire) too", claimed an academic colleague, obviously in the progressive league, and without doubt green with jealousy and schadenfreude of the now-destroyed popular reputation of Dr.Starkey in his so-recent heyday as an acclaimed debater, historian, author.
"It's just not acceptable what he said. With freedom of speech goes responsibility. It's not an absolute right, and you cannot thoughtlessly provoke and incite and inflame, particularly at such a sensitive time", commented Sir Anthony Seldon, Dr.Starkey's employer at the University of Buckingham. Unwittingly (perhaps as a reflection of his own witlessness) describing precisely what Black Lives Matter's campaign is promoting: incitement, inflaming attitudes, and indulging in violent chaos.
These academic institutions are quavering in fear lest they be labelled anti-Black racists.
"We cannot decolonize the curriculum, because you Black Lives Matter are wholly and entirely a product of white colonization."
"You are not culturally black Africans."
"You would die in seconds if you were dumped back in black Africa, you wouldn’t know how to cope."
"[The same white people who support the BLM movement were the people] who work themselves up into a lather about leaving the European Union."
"These are the people who tie themselves in knots despite the fact they have lots of money, live in big houses, drive big cars."
"They get wildly excited about extinction. It’s a form of upper class and middle class arrogant patronage."
Dr.David Starkey
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David Starkey made the comments on YouTube channel Reasoned UK (Photo: Getty) |
Labels: Academic Ruination, Black Lives Matter, Culture, Dr.David Starkey, History, Political Correctness
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