Israel on the Defense
"CUPE Local 3906 asked their colleagues to show support for Palestinians after the mass murder of innocent Israelis, claiming Palestinians are righteously taking back their land.""Seriously? Israelis have over 3,000 years of history on that land. The State of Israel, even with notable flaws, is one of the greatest examples of indigenous reclamation in the world. In fact, it is known that the Jews are indigenous to the lands, having been there since at least 1,000 BC, nearly two millennia before the Arab occupation of Syria and Palestine in the mid 600s AD. The Jews were there long before the Arabs and Muslims. Jerusalem is their capital and has been for 3,000 years. The Jews are not colonizers, nor are they occupiers. Canadian professors and academic support staff need to get their history right.""The Israelis left Gaza in 2005, ceding control to the Palestinian people. There are over two million Arabs living in Israel, the vast majority of whom are citizens who are entitled to the same rights as their Jewish neighbours. Canadian professors and academic support staff need to get their history right.""There are Arabs in he Israel Defense Forces. Arab Israelis are also police officers, belong to political parties [including the Joint Arab List] and participate in government as members of the Knesset. This is not to say that they face no discrimination, but Arabs in Israel arguably enjoy greater democratic rights and civil liberties than they do anywhere else in the region.""By contrast, there are signs on the road to the Palestinian-controlled West Bank that warn Jewish people not to enter the area. Today, no Jewish people live in Gaza."Chris Sankey, former councillor, Lax Kw Alaams Band, businessman, senior fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute
"[The Canadian government] is providing cover for atrocities.""Saying Israel has the right to defend itself is complicity in the genocide that is taking place right now.""You do not get to tell a colonized people how to fight for their liberation.""If anything, this exposes your white liberal guilt and fragility, and even supremacy. So, please, spare us."Hassan Husseini, Public Service Alliance of Canada negotiator, member, Labour for Palestine
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Pro-Palestine demonstrators march through downtown Ottawa, as seen at Rideau and Sussex. Oct. 29, 2023. (City of Ottawa traffic camera) |
in full force on Canadian streets, labour activists and Palestinian
groups calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip while they
held a downtown 'solidarity rally', at the human rights monument in
Ottawa. To the 200 people who gathered, Hussein spoke of the bombs that
continued to fall on the people of Gaza. He must have forgotten that
Hamas rockets too continue to fall in Israel, as far as central Israel.
The terrorist group that has raided UNRWA storehouses for food and fuel
to stockpile in their tunnels has energy and to spare, given what it
takes to launch rockets.
government of Canada employee is faulting the Canadian government for
failing to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Untroubled by
evidence of Hamas terrorists' savagery in torturing and mutilating
Israelis as they entered from Gaza, to slaughter families in their
houses located in the southern Israel, Gaza-bordering towns and villages
and kibbutzim, filming their grotesque escapades of unlimited
atrocities in a pride of accomplishment, this man upbraids the
government that allows him and his Jew-hating cohorts to gather in
public to chant "gas the Jews" and other love messages.
very verbiage used by this hate-instigator comes straight out of the
government's own playbook on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, along
with Critical Race Theory espoused widely and wildly by government
departments, unions and academia. An all-inclusive agenda touted by the
Liberal government of Justin Trudeau that encourages the Palestinian
Youth Movement organized in Canada to arrange and orchestrate
'pro-Palestinian' events calling for Israel's demise.
over the world, there have been active and relentless attempts to
suppress the voices that advocate for the freedom of Palestinians",
charged Aseel Munir, a member of the movement's Ottawa chapter. When,
in fact, few governments the world have taken steps to restore order and
disallow these events over where these Jew-hate-charged violent mobs of
uncivil rioters have wreaked havoc calling for Jews to be gassed in a
proposed new attempt at annihilation. Germany's was the sole effort to
impose a blanket ban on Palestinian-support protests.
uncivil but progressive woke adherent, an organizing officer for the
Canadian Association of University Teachers, stated that the labour
movement had no option but to join the battle for Palestinian
"It's very clear we need to end the brutal -- I'm not going to say war
-- I'm going to say genocide and war crimes against Palestinians",
huffed James Hutt yet another committed Jew-hater who can find it in
him to overlook any level of atrocity perpetrated against Jews.
the death of over 1,400 Israeli citizens and hapless foreigners caught
up in the Hamas slaughter of October 7, and the abduction of 220
infants, children, the elderly, families and Israeli soldiers, the rape
of girls and women, and apart from the 15,000 Israelis wounded in the
barbaric Hamas invasion details of which relating to the inhumanity of
the terrorists' atrocities committed against helpless people, committed
Israel in response to impose a blockade of all supplies, food and fuel
from entering Gaza.
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Smoke rises following Israeli bombardment on Gaza City, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Abed Khaled)The Associated Press |
that Israel had completely withdrawn from the Gaza Strip in a
unilateral decision meant to leave that parcel of land entirely to the
Gazans that call themselves Palestinians in the hope that peace might
result, in 2005, the raging lunacy of Hamas and Fatah in conflict over
the competition to determine which of them would rule the strip ended in
Hamas's favour. Instead of building a forward-looking infrastructure
for future prosperity, Hamas milked the international community's
generosity in aid to the 'refugees', building a vast infrastructure of
underground tunnels.
whose founding charter promises the elimination of Israel, and the
reunification of the land in question into a geographic unity that would
be an Islamist theocratic state, in conflict with the plans of the
secular Fatah movement represented by the Palestinian Authority, the
needs of Palestinians in both territories have been subordinate to the
perceived needs of their leaders whose focus has always been -- from
their individual perspectives -- the destruction of Israel.
highjacking planes and ocean liners to message the world at large that
Palestinians were prepared to take by force what they could have had in
peace had they accepted the 1947 offer of Partition by the United
Nations, to developing the death cult of martyrdom in training
Palestinian youth to become suicide bombers, the stealth incursion of
Palestinians into Israel for the direct purpose of killing Jews has
never ended.
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crowds of protesters that gather now that Israel is finally confronting
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists directly and with a
purpose to finally exterminate their agenda along with themselves, who
shout in cities the world over for the liberation of Palestine and "from
the river to the sea" (Jordan to the Mediterranean) advocates
for the destruction of Israel and a Palestinian state incorporating the
West Bank, Gaza and Israel into one body exclusively for Arab Muslims.
is Israel's right and it is Israel's duty -- and international law
upholds both -- to ensure that this never happens, that the Jewish state
established on a portion of the ancient ancestral lands of Judaea, and
that now exists for the singular purpose of protecting Jewish human
rights and their very existence remains strong and intact, even while as
a democracy, there is acceptance of non-Jews as citizens comprised of
Christians, Arab Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Kurds, Circassians, Baha'i and
many others.
Labels: Antisemitic Protests, Hamas Invasion of Israel, Israel Ground Invasion
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