Thursday, May 09, 2024

Islamist Violence -- Serious Risk to Public Safety

"[The decision to forego the usual flag ceremonies in Ottawa] is based on recent intelligence that suggests hosting a public ceremony poses a substantial risk to public safety."
"The city must prioritize the safety of its residents, visitors, and employees. Therefore, this year's commemoration will occur without the customary ceremony. The decision reflects a commitment to safeguarding the welfare of all Ottawa residents, while upholding principles of inclusivity and respect for diplomatic relations."
City of Ottawa memorandum
"I'm very disappointed that the flag-raising ceremony to commemorate Israel's Independence Day has been cancelled, for the first time ever, for safety and security reasons."
"The Jewish community is a vital and important part of our city. Members of Ottawa's Jewish community have faced a significant increase in antisemitism, threats, and hostility in the past seven months."
"While the Israeli flag will still fly at city hall on May14, as it has every year since 2007, and, as the city does for more than 190 countries with whom [sic] Canada has diplomatic relations, it will be another blow to the Jewish community that the customary ceremony will not take place because of escalating threats and hostility."
"Our shared priority must continue to be the safety of all Ottawa residents. Let's come together to support our friends and neighbours in the Jewish community and stamp out hatred and racism in all its forms."
Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/yom-ha-atzmaut-flag-raising-ceremony.jpg
An Israeli flag flies over Ottawa City Hall on May 5, 2022, at a Yom Ha'atzmaut flag raising ceremony to mark Israel's 70th anniversary of independence. The city has decided to fly the flag on May 14 this year, but has cancelled the ceremony itself for security reasons. (Francis Ferland/CBC)
In Canada, courage and honour have become sensitivities in moral behaviour of the past, no longer to be seen in the actions of government officials at every level, from municipal to provincial to federal, in the face of a large and growing contingent of Arab and Muslim immigrants, refugees and migrants that the federal Liberal government of Justin Trudeau has seen fit to welcome, who bring with them their customary antipathies and cultural/social/religious values at odds with the values and laws of Canada. And when the law is flouted in mass hostile demonstrations that become violent, no level of authority intervenes.
Since the October 7, 2023, invasion of southern Israel by thousands of Palestinian terrorists that inflicted a bloodbath on farming communities within Israel's borders not far from the Gaza Strip, with videos proudly taken by the very terrorists who committed savage acts of monumental barbaric savagery in gang-raping Jewish girls and women, mutilating them in gory sadistic pleasure and carrying off infants, the elderly and the ill, men and women as hostages to be held in Gaza to be further tormented and held as ransom in prisoner exchanges, the streets and cities of Canada have been venues of wild celebration for the heroic exploit.
Those 'protests', ostensibly in support of Palestinians held to be oppressed by Israel, when the reality is that Jews in Israel along with their government have always been prepared to live in peace alongside their Palestinian neighbours but have been forced over the period of 80 years to defend themselves from never-ending Palestinian lethal violence, while the protesters claim that those sadistic acts of bestiality are to be viewed through the lens of 'liberation'. In the process elevating Palestinian terrorism to the status of 'freedom fighters', struggling against colonialism.
The colony of Jews in the State of Israel have reclaimed their ancestral,  historical land as an antidote to oppression, denigration, and endless violence perpetrated throughout history to the present era when fully half of the global population of Jewish existence was obliterated. Israel, as a place of refuge and security for Jews has never known a time when it has not been attacked by its neighbours. The threat of annihilation has moderated from among many of its near neighbours, but it persists thanks to the exhortations of the Islamist state of Iran. 
The influence of Iran, its training and arming of terrorist militias that act as proxies at the command of the Shi'ite Islamic Republic, along with the Sunni-Arab Muslim Brotherhood that has infiltrated the West, has succeeded in raising generations of radicalized Islamists who focus their energy on destroying Israel and killing Jews as a prelude to their longer-range aspirations of dominating the entire world through Islam and inflicting Sharia everywhere as a final triumph of that avaricious religion that considers all other religions pretenders to the throne that Islam sits upon.
No Western country seems immune to the influence of Islam, all the more so that they have allowed themselves to become havens for Islamist extremism. Canada, a country that is comprised of generations of immigrants from all over the world, all of whom in time integrated and tolerated and in most respects found value in cultural, social and religious variety that sought cohesion in equality under the law, respecting those differences that eventually coalesced into an integral whole where the social weal was paramount and everyone felt comfortable, is no longer recognizable.
The worm of suspicion, victimhood and vengeance has worked away at that social cohesion and now the ancient curse of antisemitism always on the fringes of consciousness in many societies but withheld from public view for the most part, has become mainstream through a gradual shift aided immeasurably by a 'public relations' strategy launched by Islamists to slander and demonize Jews in all countries where the Muslim community has grown to immense proportions. Just as France, Sweden and the U.K. are examples of that smothering presence, so too is Canada.
The villainizing of Israel and Jews that has taken place surreptitiously and carefully to begin with, and then with accelerating boldness as it began to be taken up with enthusiasm in the more general population led by the BDS movement, and abetted by the growing number of academic faculty that took up positions in Canadian universities and trade  unions all scorning and belittling Israel, demanding that it be isolated and shunned has led to the current situation where the mass murder of Jews has become a cause for celebration and hordes of pro-Hamas admirers march against the 'genocide' perpetrated by Israel on Palestinians.
Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip yet again, was a direct result of the horrors perpetrated on Israelis by Palestinian terrorists. The threat of violence by vehemently anti-Israel infiltrators into Canada which the government is aware of, but disinclined to respond to, has created an aura of uncertainty, fear and feelings of displacement in Canadian Jews who no longer recognize Canada as their home and native land. The city's cancellation of an official ceremony for the raising of the Israeli flag will have its counterpart in large contingents of Arab/Palestinian/Muslim groups marching the streets of Canada with the 'Palestinian' flag to commemorate the Nakba, the cursing of the re-creation of the State of Israel.



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