Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Civilizational Enemies Within WHERE IS TRUDEAU?!!!

"[Summer Youth Program to begin Monday; first week focus is] The History of Palestinian Resistance."
"We pledge to educate the  youth of Montreal and redefine McGill's 'elite' [institutional] legacy by [transforming] its space into one of revolutionary education."
"The daily schedule will include physical activity, Arabic language instruction, cultural crafts, political discussions, historical and revolutionary lessons."
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights
"SPHR is promoting terrorist propaganda images as part of a summer camp program the group plans to hold at the McGill encampment."
"This cannot happen in our city."
"[We call upon McGill] to immediately end funding for SPHR."
Federation CJA
"This is appalling. Look at how they have moved the goalposts. First, they started holding demonstrations every week, despite their tendency to spout violent and antisemitic slogans. Then, they illegally occupied the campus, bullied Jewish students, harassed McGill administrators at their homes, and broke into university buildings." 
"Now, we have a 'summer camp' openly being advertised with images of masked men holding weapons."
"Is McGill going to allow its campus to be used to brainwash youths into thinking that terrorism is acceptable?"
Henry Topas, Quebec regional director, B'nai Brith Canada
At the camps, Palestinian children learn the art of guerilla warfare.
Seriously, this summer 'camp' program is set to progress. Presumably the invitees are children. Youth whose parents, one would imagine, are anxious for their children to be grounded in an 'early-education' ideology of divisiveness and hate, one that nurtures a simmering antisemitism justifying violence of every description from rape to torture to mass murder ostensibly liberating children's minds from the concept of 'doing unto others'; in fact reversing it. 
  • Week 1: “The History of the Palestinian Resistance”
  • Week 2: “The Ongoing Nakba”
  • Week 3: “Different Fronts of the Movement”
  • Week 4: “Media after October 7th”
The summer months are to be segmented into camps 1, 2, and 3 for a complete introduction, education and matriculation in terror. The initial semester to take place from June 24 to June 28; that programming week titled "The Ongoing Nakba", referencing the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel and the alienation and exile from the land (sometimes forcefully but mostly voluntarily) of Arabs calling themselves Palestinians for whom Israel's presence is a 'disaster'.

The second installment of the 'summer camp', from July 1 to July 5 entitled "Different fronts of the Movement" meant to bring the impressionable and eager-to-learn students up to speed on the intricacies of violent antipathy emanating from Israel's 'victims', and the resolve by those victims to 'resist' the 'occupation' that their ongoing violence against the Jewish state and its people has engendered as their target has its own rationale for push-back: survival.

The third and final segment wrapping up the summer camp anticipated to become a roaring success, held from July 8 to July 12 addresses "Media after October 7th". That proverbial fly on the wall will be glued in  absorbed fascination at the spin given the sadistic savagery accompanying the pathological terrorism these students will be taught to cherish and emulate.
There can be little doubt but that the 'revolutionary youth summer program' has been inspired by Hamas's own such summer programs benefiting the youth of Gaza where they too are exposed to the detestation with which they must approach the presence of the Jewish state next to their own allotted geography, both situated on historical ancestral Judaic land. What Gaza's children were exposed to and are proud to be part of, is commitment to martyrdom where they are programmed to anticipate their futures as proud footsoldiers in the destruction of Israel.
The UN Relief and Works Agency provides summer camps for children of more than 5 million descendants of Arab evacuees of the 1948 war.
Modelling will no doubt be taken from Hamas summer camps where Palestinian youth are taught how to handle weaponry and how to use those weapons to best advantage in destroying Jewish 'Zionist' lives. Taught to aspire to the glories of martyrdom for which they and their families will be handsomely paid not only in celebration and hero-recognition, but in actual cash funded generously by the West through victim-compassionate generosity and by oil-wealthy Qatar and Iran.
The Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights, describing itself as a student-led group at McGill University, posted its announcement of its summer camp program on Instagram. Along with the details of its proposed summer camp's highlights there is an accompanying image of Palestinian members of Hamas clad in keffiyehs, clutching machine-guns. These men are what the children to be enrolled will be taught to admire and conform their future thoughts and expressions toward. And what could be more appealing to young boys than the excitement of handling weapons?
Typically, while the parents of such children feel they are preparing their children to take their place in a world which their minds inhabit in pathological derangement, Jews are not too thrilled with the prospect of children on Canadian soil, with Palestinian and Arab/Muslim groups committed to destroying Zionism in all its forms being taught by proxies of Qatar/Iran/UNHCR to aspire to terrorism.
"[The classes that will be planned for their implementing of the romance of 'resistance' and 'martyrdom' are to include "Axis of Resistance"."
"An apparent reference to the Islamic Republic of Iran's network of proxies dedicated to destroying Israel and the United States."
B'nai Brith Canada
"[I have grave concerns regarding the Instagram post. It has been flagged along with] other recent activities [to public safety authorities] as matters of national security, and [I am] requesting all appropriate interventions to ensure the safety of our community."
"This is extremely alarming. It has attracted international media attention, and many in our community have understandably reached out to share grave concerns — concerns that I share. It should go without saying that imagery evoking violence is not a tool of peaceful expression or assembly. This worrying escalation is emblematic of the rising tensions on campuses across North America, where we have seen many incidents that go well beyond what universities are equipped to manage on their own."
"SPHR has invoked offensive antisemitic language and imagery, and claimed responsibility for the harassment of McGill community members. Their incendiary rhetoric and tactics seek to intimidate and destabilize our community. In recent months, some members of the McGill community have chosen to advocate for their views through open dialogue and peaceful protest. Regrettably, SPHR is not among them."
"[The university will increase the presence of security staff near the encampment and elsewhere on campus. McGill is pursuing legal action to stop the group from using “McGill” on social media platforms and elsewhere. We called on the independent Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU), which lists SPHR as an affiliated club], to publicly condemn this ‘summer program,’ sever their relationship with SPHR, cease any disbursement of funds to them, and affirm SSMU’s commitment to the well-being and success of McGill students of all identities, beliefs, and lived experiences. We have indicated that, should SSMU fail to take these steps, this will be interpreted as their endorsement of SPHR’s activities."
McGill University president and vice-chancellor Deep Saini


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