Saturday, July 27, 2024

Canada -- Take Note -- Others Have

"On May 27, 2024, the Government of Canada announced its intent to increase the number of Gazans who will be allowed into their country under temporary special measures."
"We are deeply concerned and request heightened scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security should any of them attempt to enter the United States at ports of entry as well as between ports of entry."
"After arriving in Canada and being issued this travel document, Palestinians can then travel outside Canada since the Refugee Travel Document becomes a valid form of identification, which is recognized in 146 countries for the purposes of filling out paperwork and applying for visas."
"However, with little to no reliable records or background checks of these individuals from the Palestinian territories, these policies unlock opportunities for individuals with ties to terrorist groups to enter Canada, receive new forms of identification, and then try to enter the U.S. along the porous north border."
Letter to U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
Palestinians wait at the Rafah border crossing in Egypt after being evacuated from the Gaza Strip. (AFP)

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has focused on the alarm felt by authorities in full awareness of the prospective threats emanating from potential entrance to Canada of terrorist entities from the Gaza Strip, in the wake of the Liberal government of Canada's recent steps to welcome to Canada on special visas. Palestinians wishing to escape the Gaza conflict can be sponsored by family members already in Canada.  At a time when the overwhelming presence of Islamists in Canada have created chaos and civil unrest in the wake of the October 7 terrorist slaughter of Israelis by Hamas operatives what Canada does not need is more fuel for its current growing Muslim societal dysfunction.
In response to the alarm expressed by Senator Rubio, along with other Republican Senators -- Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, Joni Ernst and Josh Hawley -- a representative of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada -- Matthew Krupovich -- stated: "Only applicants who pass full biometric, security and admissibility screening will be allowed to travel onward to Canada." The Canadian government developed what they claim is a "multi-stage security screening" for Gaza Palestinians who apply to a temporary visa program. This government's record on identifying Islamist threats to Canada is anything but reassuring.

In the event that this screening blocks the entry of identifiable terrorists from entering Canada and by implication earning a visa that will gain them entry to the United States, the reality of Canadian society currently infused with Islamists with no known relations to terrorist groups has seen Canadian streets crawling with mobs wearing keffiyahs, shouting 'final solution', 'intifada', and 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'; the inherent message of Israel's destruction. Adding to the mob does nothing to restore civil relations and curtail a growing incident of viral antisemitism in Canada.

The risk to the United States adding to its already-prevalent Islamist terrorism-supporting contingent in its own population is real and it is high, that individuals with links to terrorist groups will find ready access to the United States, once they've been welcomed into Canada. And this, precisely, is what the U.S. Senators so strenuously object to. In Canada, a month ago, Immigration Minister Marc Miller made the announcement of a five-fold increase the Liberal government is prepared to welcome into Canada, increasing the number of Gazan refugees to 5,000 from the originally-stated 1,000.

Their numbers will augment those already in the country who find it fit and reasonable to slander Jews and Israel, to threaten and to commit criminal offences against Jewish institutions; synagogues, community centres, parochial schools by firing bullets and incendiary devices at them. The anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrations at municipal offices, universities, shopping centres, and hospitals have roiled society and threatened the security of Canadian Jews who are mystified and alarmed that the federal government is unconcerned and adding to their plight.

Once in Canada, the Palestinian refugees can apply for work and study permits, free of charge. They can also and no doubt will, add to the hate groups now expressing their venom against Jews and Israel, throughout Canada in every venue they plot to target. That they also express threats against elected members of Parliament is an issue that seems not quite troubling to this administration, which continues to court the approval of what they deem a large voting bloc.

Nor do the protesting American Senators ignore the lack of security discipline they regard in their President, Joe Biden, accusing the Biden administration of a border policy that enables criminals and terrorists to pass into the United States through Canada. The focus for the moment by these groups is the expression of anti-Israel extremism in reflection of Israel's response in Gaza, post the terror attacks of October 7. 
But once that issue works through the system, those same threatening groups will return their attention to destabilizing and overwhelming the United States as a constitutional, democratic Republic.
Ossama Zaqqout and his family welcome his parents, the first of 36 extended family members he and his wife are hoping to help resettle in Canada.

"Unfortunately, so far in FY24, U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Field Operations has encountered more than 233 suspected terrorists at our northern border, with many more likely going undetected."
"This is already higher than totals in previous years."
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

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