Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Palestinian Terrorism That Knows No Bounds

"Hamas has actually started to kill people directly to raise the pressure on the [Israeli] government to enter a deal on its conditions."
"Hamas anticipated that instead of blaming the killers, the Israeli people would put the responsibility on the government, which actually wants to bring back the hostages."
Shimon Or, uncle Avinatan Or, member Tikva Forum
Mass Protest in Tel Aviv, September 1, Reuters

The Tikva Forum is an Israeli group that adheres to the belief that the best way to secure the freedom of the remainder of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip's interminable tunnel system as pawns for potential prisoner exchanges, is military pressure. Rationally, the Israeli military, tasked to completely eradicate the vast, intricate tunnel system, its storage capacity for rockets and other weaponry, its communications apparatus, and its terrorist operatives, while at the same time special forces are engaged in a desperate search for the whereabouts of the hostages, represents the most effective way of achieving both goals.

The families of the hostages that remain in Gaza, in the 'care' of committed death squads with no human compunction over visiting harm on helpless prisoners agitate repeatedly, and loudly, disrupting Israel's dual preoccupations; maintaining itself as a country at war as best it can while the conflict in Gaza proceeds in a strenuous effort to eradicate Hamas and its infrastructure, focusing both on supporting and sustaining its population, while tasking its military to succeed in both locating Israeli captives and decimating Hamas' fighting capabilities.

It is beyond logical that a country at war in a consequential campaign to secure its future by destroying those who would deny them that future, must have the compliance of its population to enable it to rise to the occasion. Instead, fractious albeit readily understood emotions surrounding the dismal fate of Israeli hostages, distract government authorities from the vital task of defending itself and destroying its enemies' bases and operatives who continue to threaten the lives of Israelis.

It is pure anguish for the families whose loved ones were captured and taken prisoner into the Gaza enclave, there to be subjected to ongoing violence of every description beyond being deprived of their freedom, their health, their futures. On the other hand, the campaign to force the government to give priority to the rescue of hostages by means of ceasefires, benefits Hamas, the very psychopathic force dedicated to the destruction of Israel, by allowing it time and opportunity to restructure, restock weaponry and continue recruiting among the greater Palestinian population.

This dilemma of great moral and personal dimensions is complex and wreaks havoc in the minds and hearts of all concerned; from the families themselves, to the broader Israeli population, and finally, to the government which is placed in a virtually impossible 'no win' situation should it adhere to the fervent wishes of the bereaved and abandon its relentless strategy to allow the terrorist Palestinian groups no opportunity to re-establish themselves for the  singular purpose of destroying more lives, including those of their compatriot ordinary Palestinian civilians.,1027&quality=75&strip=all
The murdered hostages (clockwise from top left): Ori Danino, Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Almog Sarusi, Alexander Lobanov and Eden Yerushalmi. via REUTERS
The murderous heartlessness of Palestinians who have committed themselves to the eradication of the Jewish state, to enable themselves to gain the ancestral geography of Judaism's historical heritage, bears no opportunities to reason with unreconstructed haters, groomed to take their place in the death cult of absolute Jew-hate that views all Israelis, young, old and in vibrant adulthood as enemies that must be slaughtered without compunction. The Palestinian operatives who enjoy the mutilation of women, the rapes, the slaughter, heark to a time of medieval brutalism.
To savage hostages for eleven months of anguished misery, force them to deliver videoed messages meant to cause pain and humiliation, and then point-blank murder the six young people whose presence at the Nova Music Festival on October 7 was their ultimate death warrant, is the Palestinian way. Six hostages, shot to death at close range, concluding their months of inhumane captivity; Ori Danino, 25, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Almog Sarusi, 277, Alexander Lobanov, 33, Carmel Gat, 40, and 23 year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, all pawns in a tortuous game that Palestinian terror knows best.
Relatives and friends attend the funeral of Alexander Lobanov, whose body was among six recovered from the Gaza Strip | AFP


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