Monday, September 30, 2024

The Martyrs of Hamas


"Join us as we march to honour the martyrs of the past year -- and the past 76 years -- who gave everything for their land, their dignity, and their liberation."
"For Liberation. For our martyrs. For our people. For our land. For Palestine."
Palestinian Youth Movement
"It is beyond disgusting that anyone would celebrate the events of October 7 and diminish the murders and injuries that happened that day and the hostages taken, some of whom are still in captivity."
Anthony Housefather, Liberal MP, Montreal Mount Royal riding

"Yet again, pro-Hamas groups are planning to celebrate the brutal massacre and terrorist attacks by Hamas on October 7, this time on the anniversary of the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust."
"They aim to fill the streets with hate. This is not just a celebration of terror or antisemitism; it is an attack on democracy and our Canadian values."
"This should serve as yet another warning that the unchecked hate and incitement in our streets have gone too far. On October 7, these same groups distributed candies to celebrate murder and rape."
Eta Yudin, vice-president, Quebec chapter, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

"On October 8, 2023, students saw their peers celebrating Hamas as 'resistance fighters'."
"A year later, our community cannot even have October 7 to peacefully mourn. With protests and 'days of action' planned for October 7, 2024, students are wary of the threats posed by these agitators."
"Despite these circumstances, our community will come together in unity."
Hillel Montreal
As the time draws ever closer to the one-year mark of the horrendous events of October 7 of last year --when thousands of Palestinian terrorists flooded across the border from Gaza into Israel, led by Hamas on a mission to terrorize, threaten, pillage, destroy, rape, mutilate and slaughter Israeli citizens in a sadistic savagery unimaginable to normal decent humanity -- a time to reflect, to mourn and to find comfort in each other's sorrow within the Jewish community is once again confronted by the presence of the same maleficent hatred from a source in Canada.

Palestinians and other Muslims who have made a place for themselves in Canada -- bringing with them the venomous hatred for Jews that permeates the Middle East where Israel is a tiny enclave of Jewish life on the very ancestral geography that ancient Judea sat upon, surrounded by hostile majority-Muslim countries -- have contaminated Canada with their brand of vicious threats and intimidation. Normal human beings would blanch at the level of savagery revealed by the October 7 atrocities. Within the Muslim community in Canada it is interpreted as 'noble resistance'.

Resistance to the presence of a Jewish state sitting upon its heritage geography on land the Islamic majority feels has been consecrated to Islam through the impact of violent upheaval in the history of Islam's religiously-inspired conquest. In Montreal, a group of terrorist-supporting 'activists' have planned to honour the 'martyrs' of Hamas on the anniversary of the very day that Hamas butchered 1,200 Jews and took 250 infants, elderly, women and men hostage to Gaza.

On an Instagram post their planned triumphalist march in honour of the Hamas terrorists whose exploits in causing human suffering is quite unequalled in the annals of human depravity, calls on like-thinkers and their supporters to join them. The rally is meant to celebrate the medievalism of a culture, society, heritage and religion that calls for the faithful to engage in jihad against the enemy, encompassing all those who fail to submit to Islam.

Montreal has experienced more than its share of antisemitic events in the past year, with Jewish businesses vandalized, Jewish community centers, synagogues and parochial schools being shot at and fire-bombed. Where university students were intimidated by antisemitic mobs of pro-Hamas champions on local campuses. Jewish community leaders have appealed to provincial and federal leaders for steps to be taken to protect Canadian Jews ... and most often to no avail.
The Palestinian Youth Movement distinguished itself following the October 7 atrocities by organizing public 'protests' in support of Palestinians and Palestinian terror, crowding city streets across Canada with support for Hamas terrorism, a group on Canada's official terror list, calling for Intifada, chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!", shouting for Jews to return to Europe, and recommending a 'Final Solution', displaying their fascist sympathies.

From Montreal to Edmonton, Calgary to Vancouver, the group that calls itself "a transnational, independent, grassroots movement of young Palestinians in Palestine and in exile worldwide", that supports the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, another banned terror group in Canada, has organized loud, threatening marches, harassing Jewish neighbourhoods, planning 'protests' outside synagogues and Jewish museums, even Mount Sinai Hospital.

Their presence in Canada is that of a hostile, disruptive, threatening, racist mob of psychological terrorists, more suited to the confines of Islamic-majority countries than free Democracies like Canada. Yet the reality is that most Islamic countries have no wish to host these hate-dominated inciters to violence, even as the West tolerates their presence as a symbol of its wide acceptance of all manner of people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and cultures.

Their objective is that of the Islamic Republic of Iran, of its proxy terrorist militias, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and the many Iran-loyal Shia militias in Syria and Iraq whose goal is the eradication of Israel and the death of Jews worldwide. Their very presence as a group force of lethal hostile intentions is a direct assault on civilizational mores. Their countries of origin will not tolerate their presence, but the generous, civilized West will, and does, and the greater their numbers gather in the West, the greater the danger to the oblivious West.
"Canada has seen far too many displays of hate, violence, and intimidation."
"This is why the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs has called for amendments to Canada's anti-terror legislation to include the glorification of terrorism."
"It is time to stop the spread of hate and antisemitism."
Eta Yudin, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

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