Thursday, October 10, 2024

In Retrospect, Stephen Harper Nailed Justin Trudeau
"If we're going to be the kind of country that starts going into deficit even when the economy is growing ... we know in the past that is a recipe for permanent deficits."
"Once you lose the anchor of a balanced budget you're always under pressure to just send more and not cover it."
"Trudeau's deficits will not be small. Mr. Trudeau has made tens of billions of dollars of spending promises; he said the budget will balance itself, he has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to these things."
Then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper, 2015 

A video is in circulation in which former Prime Minister Stephen Harper foretells what the reign of a Liberal government under an aspiring Leader of the Liberal Party would bring to Canada; economic ruin with a massively ballooning public debt, and an insidious infiltration of socially unstable immigrants from Muslim countries whose numbers would destabilize Canadian society and politics. Mr. Harper's perspicacious reading of the character of Justin Trudeau and his all-too-obvious (but for the majority of the Canadian electorate) failure-in-waiting as a head of government has been proven by time.

During the 2015 election campaign that brought Canada the misfortune of a Trudeau government, Mr. Harper prognosticated quite accurately, making specific predictions relating to a Trudeau government and what it would mean to Canada. All of his projections in accurately reading Justin Trudeau's failures-in-waiting have indeed come to pass. What's more, the magnitude of their failures have divided Canadians, placed Canada in jeopardy on every conceivable level, from public safety, rising crime rates, public displays of racist hatred, economic disasters, runaway immigration rates, provincial disaffection, any number of Liberal scandals, and more, much more.

Before the election, the Liberals assured the electorate they would operate "a modest short-term deficit" in their first three years of governing, and immediately afterward return a balanced budget by 2018. A maximum of $30 billion in new federal debt was envisaged. "Nothing's going to magically balance the budget after three years" correctly observed Mr. Harper. Nine  years later, the federal debt has doubled; $616 billion in 2015, at currently over $1.232 trillion.

Thousands of people march through the streets of Toronto on Saturday in a pro-Palestinian demonstration to mark one year of war in the Middle East. 

It is in the immigration levels imposed on Canada by Trudeau's 'post-national' DEI, Critical Race Theory government that is also truly outstanding. Hundreds of thousands are brought into Canada annually, for a new average of 500,000 new immigrants year-by-year. And virtually nil security checks. A number of incidents highlighted criminals or would-be terrorists entering Canada, reflecting an absence of security screening protocols of any reliability. This is the new Canada that Justin Trudeau has imposed upon Canadians.

"[At a 2015 leadership debate criticism was levelled against the Conservatives for failing to have a sufficiently open asylum policy reflecting refugees from the ongoing Syrian civil war.]"
"These guys (Liberal and NDP leaders, Trudeau and Mulcair respectively] would have had, in the last two weeks, us throwing open our borders and literally hundreds of thousands of people coming without any kind of security check or documentation."
Then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper, 2015

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