Saturday, February 22, 2025

First The Saturday People, Then The Sunday People -- The Writing on The Wall Ignored

"Our hearts -- the hearts of an entire nation -- lie in tatters."
"On behalf of the State of Israel, I bow my head and ask for forgiveness."
"Forgiveness for not protecting you on that terrible day." 
"Forgiveness for not bringing you home safely."
Israeli President Isaac Herzog
"Their bodies were handed over to the Red Cross today after Hamas paraded them in Gaza in a shocking display of cruelty and propaganda."
"Hamas's treatment of these victims in death is as abhorrent as their treatment in life. The terror group labelled each casket with 'Date of arrest: October 7' -- a blatant distortion of the truth."
"These innocent civilians were not arrested; they were violently kidnapped from their homes during Hamas's brutal attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, and murdered in captivity."
World Jewish Congress,w_960,c_fill
Hamas releases four  dead hostages to Israel; still from video CNN
A handful of Israeli citizens, and even fewer female soldiers released from captivity by a terrorist group that had no compunction over taking infants and their mothers, the feeble elderly, teens, and foreign farm workers as pawns in a scheme to eventually exchange them for the release of thousands of Palestinians held prisoner in Israeli jails. Those prisoners were incarcerated for presenting a direct violent threat to Israelis. Others were convicted of committing or taking part in deadly raids on Israeli citizens and armed personnel as acts of personal violence, to gain favour with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas after years of indoctrination into a cult of murder incorporated and the fetish of martyrdom.
A simmering tinderbox of acid-tempered relations between a state re-established on its ancestral territory and a people that had migrated to take advantage of better living opportunities, leaving their original homes in Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon to arrive in an historical-era geographic land mass of ancient Judeans, the authentic indigenous people of the region. A group of people of Arab origins whose leaders have convinced generations that the presence of Jews is displeasing to Islam and they must be violently dealt with, that their obligation to Islam calls for the obliteration of the Jewish state.
Pre-dating and post-dating the rebirth of Israel in its indigenous territory, Arab leaders allowed diaspora Jews to live among them since the Roman era of occupation as lesser beings, paying a tax for their presence to be tolerated. The Jews that were Arabized living among Arabs for millennia were suddenly exiled, their properties confiscated, when Israel re-materialized in 1948. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinians, a designation reserved for Jews on historically Jewish land during the Roman era, signed a covenant among themselves, supported by the wider geographic Arab populations to destroy the Jewish State.,c_fill/f_webp

That condition of challenge, conflict and conquest led to wars, none of which dislodged Israel. When state-led armed conflict failed, unaligned, spontaneous terrorist groups took the place of state-led wars against Jews. Terror groups out of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran all pledged the destruction of Israel, by various Sunni and Shi'ite tribal proxies. At the present time, Hamas in Gaza has been the most persistent attacker of the Jewish state, followed by Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and Yemen's Houthis. What they all have in common is a morbidly sinister ethos of death and martyrdom, refined to a fine art with the addition of sadistic savagery in which Hamas excels. 

Palestinian terrorist groups have become as addicted to threatening, tormenting, and exacting death through both organized and casual attacks as they are to portraying themselves as victims of conniving, territorial-hungry Jews. Their propaganda campaigns in the West aided and abetted by the migration of Islamist agitators infiltrating society at every level have succeeded in drawing out the slumbering menace of the world's oldest and deadliest menace against Jews through antisemitic smears and accusations, succeeding in polluting public opinion and actions against any Jewish presence anywhere.
Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters wave Palestinian flags and chant slogans during a demonstration in central London on January 6, 2024, calling for a ceasefire in the war in Gaza. (Henry Nicholls/AFP)

No crime against humanity is too severe in its horrendous outcome to be perpetrated against Jews. The Medieval-era brutalities of the savage attacks by Palestinian terrorists in southern Israel of October 7, 2023, appealed to the inner antisemitism of a global public at large which bent to their lifelong obsession in a belief of Jewish schemes to control the world through devious means, led by the Christian Church through the ages depicting Jews as the killer of the originator of Christianity, none other than a Jew.
Throughout the worldwide Jewish community there is confusion and disbelief that the world seems once again to have turned against them. The influential Muslim Brotherhood which has infiltrated one country after another, from the Middle East to Europe, North America and Africa with its long tentacles and conspiracies, helping to give birth to countless Islamist terrorist groups which become the living scourge of whichever country they settle in, attacking minority ethnic groups, clans and tribes, killing not only non-Muslims but insufficiently-pious Muslims as well.
Pope Francis stops to pray in front of a Nativity scene from Bethlehem in the Vatican audience hall Dec. 7, 2024. The baby Jesus is lying on a white and black kaffiyeh, a Palestinian headdress. Around the star, written in Arabic and Latin, are the words of the angels: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will." (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Of the two extremes of jihad, the jihad practised by terrorist groups through violence, threats and bloodlust in eliminating those whom Islam identifies as kuffars, Crusaders, infidels and Jews, there is a general alertness and concern, enough to make target governments -- not only those of the West, but those in the Middle East and elsewhere that fundamentalist Islamists loathe for not sufficiently adhering to strict Islamic Sharia -- dimly aware. The legal immigration and stealth migration of Muslims into Western society has succeeded not only in having Islam accepted into traditionally Christian-majority populations, but in numbers leading to the slow and steady rape of indigenous Western heritage, culture, societal mores and laws.


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