Monday, August 08, 2022

Unmitigated Gall of the Gloating Injustice

"I had the honour this term of writing I think the only Supreme Court decision in the history of that institution that has been lambasted by a whole string of foreign leaders who felt perfectly fine commenting on American law."
"One of these was former prime minister Boris Johnson, but he paid the price."
"But what really wounded me -- what really wounded me -- was when the Duke of Sussex addressed he United Nations and seemed to compare the decision whose name may not be spoken with the Russian attack on Ukraine."
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Russia has the distinction of having brought a vicious, scorched-earth conflict back to the European continent. Russian President Vladimir Putin has drawn the contemptful disdain of the civilized world community in invading Ukraine, and directing its military to exact maximum infrastructure damage to the country, in the process creating millions of homeless, millions more Ukrainian refugees, infrastructure destruction on a grand scale, and countless tens of thousands of deaths of both servicemen and civilians.
The Russian Federation has earned the scorn of civil nations. Its neighbours shudder at the prospect of the Kremlin's possible victory over a smaller population and military of a country that Russia's days of Soviet Union hegemony had created a Holodomor disaster of, taking millions of lives through starvation and privation when the USSR looted Ukraine's voluminous store of grains to feed Russians and deprive Ukrainians of the staff of life.
Thanks to this recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to delegitimize in law Roe vs Wade, the decision was made to deprive over half the population of the United States to the health-right of choosing abortion to end an unwanted pregnancy. It goes beyond belief in intelligent justice that a handful of Conservative justices can feel justified in imperilling American women's lives by such a decision. 

That a member of that court would see fit to mock the civil reaction of other countries' leaders in recognition of the most technologically advanced, wealthy, powerful nation on the globe choosing to deliberately enact a federal law to allow unequal opportunity throughout the country to access to a basic human right, reflects an abrupt return to a patronizing rejection of female rights of choice over the issue of their own bodies.

This reversal to an outworn, male-dominated social order where a woman's right to decide for herself whether she plans to bear a child and care for it irrespective of her personal circumstances makes the world a less comfortable place for over half the world population. If a woman's right to decide for herself cannot be upheld in the United States, this becomes a tenuously fragile position anywhere else, setting back the progress of women's rights substantially.

Material for mocking references to other male leaders of society of like mind who find it amusing that  those of their gender abhorring the decision diminishing women's basic rights, serving to emphasize that hard-won rights achieved through militant feminism may have been celebrated too early. A celebration that obviosly found no favour in the dominating patriarchal element of society. This is not justice. This is religious justification.

The New York Times

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