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It's also very nice to be able to go out to the garden and pick parsley, basil, oregano, thyme to flavour our foods with and confer their goodness upon us.
Much as we love our gardens and the serenity they bring to our lives, we would probably eschew them if it came down to a choice: either your gardens, my good people, or your daily commune with nature. Our daily ravine hikes are more important to us than the gardens, I must admit, and that is saying much, much. Each in their own way fulfill a need deep within us.
The topmost photograph was taken this week, in our backyard. Two other photographs are of like vintage, but taken in the front gardens. The photograph on the right has been taken from our dining room window. At this time of year, when the oriental lilies are in bloom, their unbelievably wonderful scent spreads through the dining room and on into other parts of the house on the first floor. I recall that during the cold winter months. That photograph was taken before the oriental lilies began to bloom, and only day lilies are in evidence there. We have three apple trees, one plum tree in the back, none of which can be seen in the topmost photograph. No plums this year as it was too wet a spring to enable the plum blossoms to appear, while the apple blossoms did, in abundance, and we have, as a result, apples in abundance.
Our cheeky gargoyles on the front porch ensure that none approach our home but those with friendly intentions. Should that fail, our alarm system kicks in. We have two little alarms; one male, one female, each of sweet temperament, but fiercely protective toward home and hearth.

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