Shopping at Chez Salian

I really enjoy Tuesdays. Like Saturdays, it's the one day I don't really have any household chores to be done in the winter. True, there's meals to think about and prepare, but on the whole the day is mine to do with as I wish. That's when I can do plenty of reading, among other things that make my day. It's also Seniors' Day at our local Sally Ann Thrift Shop. And on occasion, once we've got our ravine walk done, we pack up the dogs and off we go to see what we can see. My husband doesn't mind, in fact, sometimes he will even initiate a visit. When he's worried that his stock of detective or mystery novels is running too low for comfort, and he would like to see what's available in that department.
Off we went yesterday. Each of us carries one of our dogs in their own shoulder bag, and they don't mind, they're accustomed to this. Since they'd prefer being with us under any circumstances than being left at home, without our presence. They've made that sufficiently clear over the years. And while I wouldn't at all mind leaving them on their own at home for a little while when we have things to do which shouldn't include them, my husband will not. We deposit each of them in the child seat of the shopping buggy we pick up as we enter the store. Button and Riley soon realize they're kind of tired after our trail walk, and settle down to snooze while we poke through the items packed tight on the racks.
I look through all of the winter coats and jackets, some of which look hardly worn at all, some of which look quite intriguing, but alas, all of which are far too large for my relatively slight frame. Too bad. Not that I really need another coat or jacket, but it's an interesting enterprise to look about and weigh their potential value to one's wardrobe. Might find something irresistible and decide to trade in a well-worn item of one's own in exchange for acquiring the other. I do discover a few cotton tee shirts, one of them a turtle-neck, which I dislike the look of on me, but appreciate the utility of, on a cold day. Also a nice pink cotton vest which will be very useful I've no doubt. I try on several pairs of obviously factory-new footwear which are also obviously very old stock, but discover them to be too narrow-lasted, which explains their presence there.
My husband discovers a nearly-new fleece vest which boasts lots of zippered pockets and is fully acetate-lined, which fits him perfectly. He has a thing about such vests and is the proud owner, from the same source, of a number of them, all of which find favour with him and get worn regularly. He has also found a number of books several of which he wants to review with me, as he's not interested in them himself but feels I might be. One, the Epic of Gilgamesh, we already own a copy of and it is returned to the shelves. Two others he has selected are just down my alley: M.G. Vassanji's "The Gunny Sack", and Frances Itani's "Deafening", both of which I've read fine reviews of and am glad to have in my collection.
As we amble about, much attention is given to our two little dogs' presence, briefly awakening them from their notional slumbers. Button, older and wiser, pays scant attention to the oohs and aahs, but impetuous Riley revels in the ruckus and plays to his adoring audience. Which includes the staff of the store, well accustomed to seeing them both accompanying us there.
Because it's Seniors' Day we receive a nice discount. I've also selected a blouse that I hope will fit our granddaughter. It's the style that she favours, the material she likes, the colour she claims is her favourite. I don't actually ever try anything on in the store. When we take these things home, I put them in the washer, then try them on. Anything that doesn't fit is just re-cycled to them, not returned for refund, since it's all part of our support of the work they do. As (bad) luck would have it, the top doesn't fit Angelyne, and she is very graceful about my obvious lack of discernment.
Along with our receipt, we're given a printed notice that there's going to be a 50%-off sale on Friday. The salespeople urge us to come back. As usual, we laugh and tell them once a week, once every two weeks, once a month is more than sufficient for us. We'll leave the 50%-off bargains to others. To myself I think: I knew it! Any time the racks get that stuffed, they've got to move things out...voila! sale time!
Going through the newspapers this morning what do I see but some grand sale advertisements and I point them out to my husband: Look at this! the Sally Ann has taken out a full-page advertisement in the paper! No kidding! I show him the full page spread, picturing a sophisticated-looking, business-clad woman with the legend "Get Dressed..for Less" writ large across her bosom. And below: "WINTER SALE save up to 70% today through Sunday!" Wow, competition for Chez Salian at the Rideau Centre!
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