Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hamas: Defenders of the Oppressed

Linked directly to Allah, utterly dedicated to his sacrosanct wishes as stated in his holy book as delivered by his blessed messenger. Islam is to cover the world with its message of peace and harmony. It will bathe the world and all its peoples in the warm glow of its comforting message. All the world's inhabitants will pay homage to Allah and his Prophet, learn Arabic so they may read the Qu'ran as it is meant to be read and worshipped. Through this medium will the world become one vast Islamic property to be disposed of and dealt with as Islam dictates.

Any who defy this imperative of Allah's will shall be dealt with by the sword, unswervingly, unrelentingly, they shall become as nothing, indeed they shall replenish the oceans, the vast deserts of sand, the very atoms of every thing that exists until they are assimilated and become as one in the name of Allah.

The means to be used to achieve this higher purpose are manifold and engineered for optimum success. First the need to completely cleanse Arab land of detestable interlopers who seek to refute Allah's injunction that land once his cannot be subverted to use by Infidels. Hamas has succeeded thus far in placing the fear of Allah into the hearts of all Israelis. It yet remains to encourage sufficient numbers of dull-minded, cerebrally-shafted believers into the certitude that Allah has meant them to end their mortal days as living bombs.

To that end, Hamas must consolidate its recent electoral victories by teaching the most promising of its adherents, the Palestinian children whose brief purpose in life will be to aspire to martyrdom. In an act of unsurpassed brilliance, Hamas has launched a web site specifically for children where these enquiring minds can become imbued with the spiritual need to aspire to become shahids in the name of Allah. Children are bright and inquisitive and they are always ripe for suggestion toward a complete understanding that the Zionist thieves and invaders must be eliminated to honour Allah's bidding.

Palestinian children, you are slated for immortality through death, glory everlasting through the victory of heroism. By the celebration of martyrdom and the passionate election to become one of Allah's favourites in heaven by eliminating the lives of countless Zionist invaders of the holy land you ensure your place in history, song and commemoration for eternity.

Hamas has so adjudged your potential.

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