A Month Hence

We'll be celebrating our 51st wedding anniversary. No kidding. Over a half century. Hard to imagine, hard to believe. That all that time has slipped by. Where did it go? A classic understatement of a rhetorical question.
And what better way to celebrate that occasion than to slip away ourselves, albeit temporarily, for fun and pleasure. Where else at this time of year, but the Waterville Valley. From whence we can select any number of hiking trails to do what we enjoy most. Well, if not most, then close to it.
So, exactly on the anniversary of the day we wed we will set off once again as we've done so many times in the past, for a holiday of jaunting about in the White Mountains. When we first went there our children were young teens; now they're middle-aged adults. How time doth fly.
Mind, that's a month from now. I'll have to withhold planting too many of our ceramic pots, for in our absence our near neighbour will have the task of watering, and perhaps it would be best to keep that to a minimum. The perennials will look after themselves.
I very much doubt we'll be ascending any mountains this year. Last year, I fear, was the last for me to expend that much energy. We'll do the best we can, and enjoy other trails, other hikes, other scenes. Plenty of other options. Well, maybe we'll do a "gentle" ascent, part way up a mountain, as far as a lookout.
And then, of course, that other leisure pleasure; scouting out the possibilities at all those enticing antique shops. Never know when you might come across an item of startling beauty and workmanship. Another itch that requires occasional scratching.
New Hampshire, here we come! Soon.
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