Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Agendas of Convenience

Whose agendas might possibly be advanced by the ongoing situation across the world where fundamentalist Islamists pursue a course which they trust will eventually take them to world domination. That of Allah, who supposedly demands of his devout adherents that they evangelize and conquer? Or that of sly connivers who have hijacked the worship of a revered Prophet and his vision of a God whose tenets as set down in the Koran are to be read in Arabic, ensuring the predominance of one-time tribal Bedouins, Middle-eastern nomads, tribesmen, Caliphs?

Of Allah: A being whether human or divine whose capacity for compassion and goodness is legendary would hardly demand of followers that they destroy all others who refuse his way.

Of religious manipulators: Carefully programming suggestible children from an early age - eager to please and to earn praise, to become an honoured part of an admired group - out of their childhood, cleansing them of their humanity to become automatons; human sacrifices for Allah.

It is not God's will that atrocities in the name of divine conquest are pursued, but rather the raw ambitions of men in the guise of worshipful followers of Islam. They prey on the innocents around them, the confused, the shallow-minded, with promises of eternity. Seldom do they themselves willingly offer themselves up as martyrs for the cause. Rather, they make a public display of celebrating the martyrdom of those whom they groom to the cause.

These evil opportunists, religious hypocrites, teach the exaltation of sacrifice. They teach that divine belief in a paradoxical God of love and mercy demands an ultimate sacrifice: one's own, dispensible life. They imbue their teachings with an infectious enthusiasm that children so readily relate to.

These current religious zealots and imposters have not invented anything new. During the Middle Ages children were sent with the blessing of Almighty God from Europe to the Middle East in a Children's Crusade. China's Communist leaders groomed their young to turn on their elders, their parents, during the Cultural Revolution. During the Iran-Iraq war, Iran groomed young country children as human sacrifices to walk through fields of munitions en masse, to detonate them to clear the way for the more valuable services of the Armed Forces.

Palestinian suicide bombers haven't come by accident and suddenly to fear and hate their Jewish neighbours. A long process of child indoctrination beginning with detestable school textbooks has robbed them of the opportunity to ask questions and reject murder.

Nothing is ever as simple as it seems.

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