Friday, June 02, 2006

The Garden, I Could Hug It!

Not very sensible of course, but a metaphorical enthusiasm. It's a wonderland, truly. From day to day the changes are astonishing. Where there were vast expanses of several vacant inches of rich soil, there are now crowded plants vying for attention and space. Now that's what I strive for; crowded garden beds, the more the merrier, the more colourful, the more texture, the greater green architecture of the out-of-doors. Bring it on!

The sweet-pea seeds are stretching out of the ground, and so are the nasturtiums, promising spicy-leafed abundance. Did I really plant all those Cosmos seedlings? I don't recall! But there they all are, thrusting through the soil, along with the asters and the portulaca, the California poppies in great drooping abundance, all in a big hurry to strut their stuff.

Hey, the Delphiniums are setting their great towering heads, and so are the Lupins (bloody Lupins!) and we love them all! They'll be perfect foils for the roses, budding to beat the band. Wow, look at all those Clematis buds, the tendrils twining around the climbing roses! Morning glory seedlings are popping up here and there and everywhere, and let them! They can twine around everything to their hearts' content.

Cleome are starting already, good grief, I can hardly believe it, but there they are the clever little green imps. Monarda are sending that heavenly Bergamont scent through the back garden already, and they're just beginning to set their bright red heads, good on them! Well, would you look at that! sweet tendrils of Honeysuckle are threading their way through the criss-cross of our deck surround, and look at all those flowerheads ready to burst into flames of pink and yellow? The hummingbirds will be so pleased!

The bleeding hearts are out, the heucheras are beginning to send up their bright coral bells, the violets and the hostas, the forget-me-nots and the blue flax, the lilies-of-the-valley, the strawberries and Columbine, the hens'n chicks all gladden my soul.

Balm for the afflicted and the becalmed alike.

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