Friday, July 28, 2006

And Death Celebrates Life's Purpose

There is no god but Allah. And those who fervently believe in his essential goodness, his peaceful intent, his exhortations to his flock to live well and decently, respect one another and others, and live in peace, can scarcely recognize the Islam that they worship. For they worship an Islam that celebrates life lived well; intelligently, piously, respectfully.

Does Allah have a dear and close brother? One whose purpose is otherwise than that which all those peace-loving Muslims believe in? Could that brother be, like ancient believers in another god thought, Satan? A Satan, mind, who was at that time thought not to be diabolical at all, just somewhat removed from his good brother, the right-minded overseer of man - eventually moving downstairs to tend the ovens.

For these other lovers of Islam, fearing and adoring Allah and his precepts dedicate themselves to the service of Allah by blood sacrifice. And this is indeed different, is it not? Death has become the compelling motivator, not a life well lived in respect of Muhammad's teachings. War when need be, but not necessarily war. Instead we have war, conquest, bitterness, the delivery of death. Death has become the lingua franca of Muslim fanatics, for they wish to deliver it unto the infidel which category also includes those fellow Muslims seen to be unfit, as well as non-Muslims. Death is also the dearest wish, the most fervent sacrifice, of these killing-automaton Islamists.

The difference, of course, is that their ultimate, loving sacrifice of their personal deaths will result in their elevation to a finer place, a heavenly Eden, replete with countless serving maiden/angels. While the innumerable deaths they cause count as their total dedication to Allah, and those unworthies descend miserably to the shores of an endless sea of fire from which there is no escape.

So we have news again and yet again from Baghdad, of mass killings, of car bombs exploding in commercial and residential districts of that ancient city of lore, where in each event scores are killed outright and hundreds remain critically wounded, where horrified survivors mill about the wrecked streets and buildings, surveying the damage and blaming Sunni, if the Shia were the victims, or Shi'ites if Sunnis were this time targeted. And sometimes they will excuse one another, refusing to believe that a Muslim would kill another of his faith, and find the blame elsewhere; that the Jews have somehow caused this mayhem.
"We are not infidels. It seems that we are not even safe in our homes," said one man, who, like others on the street, refused to give his name because he was afraid.
And well might he be, for there appears to be no end to the violence, the carnage, the deaths.

Why does the world look on and see nothing totally abhorrent in this ongoing scene of death? Why do we not see condemnation from every pulpit, be it Muslim, Christian, Hindu or - forget it, Jews cannot denounce the cult of murder, for anything they have to say about it becomes tainted by the very fact that they are Jews. But the murders are Muslim-upon-Muslim, why cannot the highly-ranked, highly-respected representatives of each of these sects demand a cessation?

Why does the world not express its horror at the ongoing carnage? Why is it perfectly all right for Muslims to murder with total impunity, with a total abandonment of all that makes us human, and the West utters not a word of condemnation of such barbarity?

Well, there's always Israel to condemn for some violation of human rights or another. And those condemnations are very effective. Given the fact that Israel truly sorrows for each and every death its armies, in self-defence, causes. For like most of the rest of the world, Jews value life.

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