Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Slaying The Dragon

Outraged Lebanese have to understand they cannot live in peace, tranquility and security leading them to prosperity at the cost of lack of the same assurance for their neighbours. Most particularly as a result of their own lack of caring for the universal well-being and welfare of their neighbours due to Lebanese involvement with Hezbollah. Involuntary involvement it may be, but lack of fortitude and determination to eradicate that source of cancer in their midst may also be seen as assent.

Within the population Lebanese involvement with Hezbollah ranges in the minority from outright disgust to silent acceptance, to unabashed and righteous encouragement of the terrorist group's attacks against their neighbour. Oh yes, we name Hezbollah terrorists, but they are seen by southern-dwelling Shia Muslim Lebanese as liberators, protectors.

The Lebanese government, however coerced by circumstances they deem beyond their control, have been complicit with the activities of Hezbollah. Most recently and outrageously, given current events, by issuing legal travel documents enabling the tranfer of rockets, missiles with deadly warheads to enter Lebanon from their source in Syria to the Hezbollah stronghold in south Lebanon. In other words assisting Hezbollah in their determination to continue lobbing warheads at Israel, inviting Israel to continue their bombardment of retaliation.

Then they cry out in anguish for the world to step in and stop the inevitable results. The Lebanese army stands at 70,000, more than ten times the strength of Hezbollah's militia of dedicated Islamists. The leading question here is why the regular forces of the country lacked the direction, will and skill to disarm their country's largest threat to peace and prosperity.

Lebanon under its new government, relatively free from Syrian involvement had understandable aspirations to lead the long-suffering country into prosperity and well being. Lebanon deserves that, and its people certainly do. Lebanon had the responsibility for creating conditions which would lead to mutually assured security (MAS) between it and its neighbour, Israel. Despite pressure from the United Nations to do just that, it did nothing.

Now, when Israel has finally decided to do what Lebanon should long ago have done, eradicate the constant threat of death and destruction over its border, Lebanon's Prime Minister, Fouad Siniora, accuses Israel of "opening the gates of hell and madness" by around-the-clock bombings. An unfortunate by-product of war. But who opened the gates of hell? Not Israel which has has long suffered the imposition of hell and madness forced upon its border communities.

It is not Israel which has "worked to destroy everything that allowed Lebanon to stay alive", as Prime Minister Siniora laments, but his own government's inaction, his wilfull and blind acceptance of a threat within his country which has finally borne the fruit of deadly destruction. Israel now has very clear goals, to drive Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon, and to completely defang that dragon of death.

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