Sunday, July 16, 2006

Nuclear Casino

From a demand for prisoner exchange to all-out warfare; upping the ante like demented, unseasoned, unreasoning, addicted gamblers. Irrespective of what Israel has ever done to "disarm" its opponents in the Middle East and elsewhere, nothing was ever enough, no bold new initiatives toward tentative co-operation, no re-drawing of territorial boundaries, no willingness to forego whatever was rightfully won in the arena of conquest brought about by violent invasion, in a concerted Arab effort to completely dislodge the nascent State of Israel.

Successfully, powerfully, in the language that oppressors of democratic ideals respect, Israel fought back the collective armies that surrounded it, and made it clear that it meant to stay, a small, isolated place of freedom for its people. Never was it accepted by its neighbours until recently, grudgingly but realistically by a scant few, still harbouring resentment and mistrust, but understanding the reality of the State of Israel and its presence in the neighbourhood.

For the rest, the presence of Israel in the geographic region remained a festering wound, one that Syria and Iran above all others, mightily resented, pledging to eradicate by any means at their disposal. And means there were many, all of which took direction from the Will of the Almighty. Allah willed it, it would be done. No states other than those comprised of an Islam majority would be permitted in the region. Finis.

But not quite, since the State of Israel persisted, making friends where it could. And to arm itself against such unspeakably difficult odds, attained a clandestine nuclear programme. Its enemies know well the will of the interloper among them; not only its insistence on its right to "return" and exist, but its military capability enabling it to push back emphatically against the murderous intent of neighbours. These same enemies, knowing the collective creed and civil intent of this country's citizens and its governing body, also know that this ultimate nuclear device is meant as a never-to-be-used cudgel.

Might anyone be incautious enough to suggest that aspirational Iran, having successfully established itself in the too-near future as a a nation with full nuclear capability would hesitate to visit Armageddon on its neighbour? Iran has long prosecuted a proxy war with Israel, despite early overtures to cease and desist. When Israel gave up its defensive position in Lebanon, Hezbollah declared the victory denied established Arab armies over Israel and celebrated wildly, then set about perfecting its military machine, aided, abetted and financed by Iran, praised and coddled by Syria.

Iran's diabolical intent, its overt claims to religious sovereignty (over the region, and ultimately through tentacles of conquest over the world), military superiority (holding aloft a vial of enriched uranium, a gift to Allah), make for a strange and fearsome neighbour. Are Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, to name but a few, comfortable with this ghastly vision of their potential future?

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