Sunday, November 05, 2006

You Have To Ask Yourself

Really, think about it, it makes little sense and to try to make sense from the mess you just have to ask yourself :
  • Why Muslims abuse their women by insisting they wear clothing to entirely cover their bodies and their faces lest they draw unwanted male attention outside their families;
  • Why Muslim men will beat their wives and daughters and worse, to prevent them from straying from Islamic-approved strictures;
  • Why Arab men don't seem to think twice before exposing their women to dangerous situations, such as when they're used as human shields;
  • Why Arab women, so ill-treated and ill-regarded still respond affirmatively to the demands made upon them;
  • Why, in fact, Muslim women not only seem to accept their 2nd-class status and treatment, but go out of their way to defend it;
  • Why Arab women do not demand due and equal recognition for themselves and for their offspring;
  • Why it is that so many Muslims seem immune to the normal visceral draw-back from inflicting harm on others, even those whom they conceive of as their enemies;
  • Why it is that Muslims in general permit themselves to be emotionally coerced into believing intolerable slanders against those not of the Muslim faith;
  • Why Muslims in general can allow themselves to be so utterly manipulated that they act en masse as a hysterical, even murderous group to protest perceived slights by infidels against their Prophet;
  • Why the cultural tradition of bloody tribal enmity one against the other persists;
  • Why Arab populations accept the uncivilized Koranic interpretations by radicalized Imams that it is their duty to protect Islam by shunning and attacking Western thought, institutions, infrastructures and populations;
  • Why Arabs in general appear so willing and ready to believe the absolute worst not only of other Muslims who don't share their sectarian beliefs, but all others who eschew Islam;
  • Why bloodlust appears to be so close to the emotional surface of Arabs;
  • Why the Arab street, representing so many different elements of Islam and its experience, is so wedded to the worst kind of Jew-baiting, Jew-hating;
  • Why political Islam, recognizing the reasonableness and openness of Western society, meets it not with their own thoughtful willingness to negotiate but rather with lies and deception meant to deceive and forestall;
  • Why is it that radical Muslims exercise such unbearable contempt for Western overtures toward appeasement, reasoning that such weak civilizations will present no obstacles to their self-aggrandizing plans for the spread of Islam world-wide; and, finally
Why is it that Western leaders and intellectuals and the news media in general insist on sleep-walking their way through this morass toward a painfully gradual and violent loss of identity on their own soil?

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